Early Times Report
Jammu, Mar 13: Ashok Kumar, JKPS Principal PTTI Vijaypur organized a Lecture at Institute. Dr. Vivek Gupta Medical Officer Police Hospital was the Guest Speaker on the occasion. The topic of Lecture was "First Aid and Balanced Diet". Ashok Sharma, JKPS SSP Principal PTTI Vijaypur welcomed the Guest Speaker. In his introductory briefing he told that Dr. Vivek Gupta is serving in J&K Police Hospital as Medical Officer. His meritorious services have been decorated with DGP J &K Commendation Medal-2017. Dr. Vivek Gupta while speaking on the occasion explained lot of ways/categories of first aid relating to accidental injuries, cardiac arrest, BP, Suger, Drowning, snake bite etc. He also replied to various queries of the training relating to first Aid. On another topic relating to Balanced Diet Dr. Vivek also explained number of methods of best Diet to remain physically and mentally fit. He said diet prescribed by the Dieticians should be strictly followed to refrain from various diseases. Lastly Rakesh Sambyal, Dy.SP (Indoor) presented vote of thanks and Ashok Kumar SSP, Principal and Savita Parihar, SSP, Vice Principal presented memento to the guest speaker. |