Early Times Report
Jammu, June 6: As per the directions of Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, under Common Yoga Protocol Progra-mme, International Yoga Day was celebrated in Oriental Academy, Kachhi Chawni Jammu. It was designed & Managed by Vichar Kranti Manch International, a Social Spiritual N.G.O. Neera Dogra Co-ordinator of the Institution, welcomed the team of Vichar Kranti Manch International and informed about the progr-amme, Organised by V.P. Chauhan, Principal of the School. Shreyansh K.Jain (A Yoga Expert & Social Activist), President VKMI was the resource person, who practiced the yogasans, Pranayana & Meditation in details, the benefits of Yoga on body, Mind and intellect was also explained in details. Chander Mohan Sharma, General Secretary VKMI, gave details of activities of the Manch i.e. running of Free Homeopathic Dispensary, Widow Pension Scheme, Adoption of many Schools for inculcation of Moral, Ethical, Spiritual & Yoga Values, running of different courses on Moral Values duly recognized by Jammu Universities, Yoga Courses by an oldest Institution of Yoga i.e. Kaivlya Dhama Lonavla Pune are undertaken by the Manch and Students Personality Development Programmes are also conducted in different Schools. |