The plight of several hundreds of students in Kashmir is in peril.It is because of the unsafe several hundred school buldings they are enrolled..These buildings were built during the sarvas-hkishan Abhiyan.But lack or delay in the examination of buildings have endangered the lives of several hundred students.It has been seen whether thoiven the task of implementation oif the central projects do the job nicely. They do not with the result the con tractors earn mines of money but the peolle feel endangered. It is the case of buiuldings,bandhs and roads but there is loss and mess which need to be corrercted. And without this correction whether the audit takes action against the engineers or the contractors in SSA scheme a Abhiyan (SSA) are developing cracks and suffered damages. She said 6-7 school buildings have suffered damages in Beerwah zone.We don't call them unsafe. The damages are being repaired," the CEO said.Take, however, said they have got inputs that some school buildings are unsafe in the district. "In Budgam zone we have been informed that Primary School (PS) Chakgago is unsafe and 6 schools in Beerwah zone are also unsafe," she said.She said in Nagam zone, seven school buildings are unsafe. "These include PS Laden, PS Khirigund, Middle School (MS) Chera, MS Kumar Mohalla, PS Magarey Mohalla Bongam and BHS Badipora."The CEO said in Chadoora zone, 7 buildings are said to be unsafe but classwork is taking place there."In zone Khansahab, there are 4-5 unsafe school buildings; 5 in Daigam zone, 9 in Khag while in Hatpanzoo a school building is unsafe," he said.Tak said she would be visiting the school buildings, which are said to be unsafe"These schools have not been declared unsafe by engineering wing of DSEK or Roads and Building (R&B) department but by teachers and officials posted there," she said. In central Kashmir's Ganderbal district, 14 schools of three zones have been declared unsafe. Sources said apart from these 14 unsafe schools, the MS Gund in Hariganwan zone has two cracked buildings, which are also unsafe.In Tulmulla zone, MS Waheedpora is also in dilapidated condition, they said. Section Officer of the planning department at CEO office in Ganderbal district, Abdul Rashid said, "We have accommodated the students of unsafe schools in nearby government institutions."In Tulmulla zone of Ganderbal district, the unsafe school building includes Government Boys Higher Secondary School (GBHSS) Kurhama, GHSS Wakura, Government Middle School (GMS) Wahidpora, GMS Kurhama and GMS Chanthan. In Kangan zone, five schools have been declared unsafe and these include GMS Margund, GMS Barnbugh, GMS Kralkhani Tangdaji, Government Primary School (GPS) Satrina and GPS Sahipora Wayil. Likewise, in main zone of the district, four schools have been declared unsafe. These include Government Boys Middle School (GBMS) Urpash, GMS Hakim Gund, GPS Bota Bagh Serch and GPS Busserbugh. Rashid said the schools were declared unsafe before 26-10-2018. "We are now taking some buildings on rent to accommodate the students of unsafe schools," he said. PulwamaIn south Kashmir's Pulwama district, at least 38 school buildings have been declared unsafe. The schools buildings declared unsafe include PS Ukhoo in Zone Kakapora, one building of Government High School (GHS) Rajpora; PS Ashajipora of Awantipora zone, MS Katipora, UPS Jowbhera; UPS Aripal, Government High School (GHS) Devar, PS Kachaskjout, Upper Primary School (UPS) Aditrag of Shadimarg zone, UPS Bagh-Sangerwani in Shadimarg zone and GHS Banderpora in Zone Tahab.CEO Pulwama Naseem ul Gani said no schooling was going on in the buildings declared unsafe by engineering wing."We have alternate structures available," he said. Gani said in Pulwama district, about 237 government school buildings have been abandoned and lying defunct. "These school building are safe but no student is enrolled in these schools," he said adding. |