Early Tmes Report
Jammu, July 9: A team of Manvadhikar National Party (MNP) has appealed Governor SP Malik to take action to resolve the issues of Jammu region. According to press release, a meeting of MNP unit comprising of Provincial President Gulshan Kumar, District President Jammu Arun kumar Gupta, Balbir Singh vice provincial President Jammu , Ajay kumar Sharma, Vicky Bhat Youth Secretary and others under the leadership of its President Youth Rakesh Kachroo conducted extensive touring in Jammu district. As per the press release issued by the party office today , the leaders highlighted the pertinent issues like settlement of compensation cases of pok refugees , on spot recruitment drive for unemployed youths of border Areas, settlement of pending cases of old age and widow pensions, better road facilities in rural areas , regular supply of electricity, provisions of better drinking water and implementation of Central Government schemes in true letter and spirit. They appealed the Governor administration to resolve the pertinent issues listed above by the leaders of Manvadhikar National Party J&K at the earliest as the people of Jammu have pinned great hopes in his Excellency. |