JAMMU, Apr 4: Soon after the domicile order’s amendment done by the government on Friday, a vivid chasm seems to have been emerged within the BJP’s leaders of both the regions as they were caught speaking in contrary tones. While the BJP’s Jammu unit had already welcomed the earlier domicile order, terming it pro- people and much awaited, the party’s Srinagar unit remained silent. “We whole-heartedly welcome the decision on domicile. The order has come late though, we expected it earlier. Everybody must welcome the order,” party’s general secretary Ashok Koul said in a statement on April 2, a day after the domicile order was issued by the government of India. BJP’s Kavinder Gupta also welcomed the decision and termed it to be a step in the right direction post the abrogation of article 370.“It’s same like our neighbouring state Himachal Pradesh’s domicile rights. It is a good step, though some people will criticize it. We welcome this notification and reservation,” former J&K Deputy Chief Minister and senior BJP leader Kavinder Gupta said. However, on late Friday hours, amid widespread resentment in Jammu & Kashmir over the domicile law for appointments in government sector, the BJP-led Central government on Friday night amended the legal framework to reserve all gazetted and non-gazetted posts for J&K domiciles, which includes those who are living in UT for 15 years and children of central government employees serving in J&K for period of 10 years. Making amendments in the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Services (Decentralization and Recruitment) Act, the Union Home Ministry, in a late night notification, reserved all jobs for J&K domiciles. With these changes, all jobs in J&K UT would now require domicile certificate to be issued by respective Tehsildars. Earlier, only class IV and non-gazetted entry level jobs were reserved for J&K domiciles defined in the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (adaptation of state law) Order, 2020. Now, the party has come out with yet another avatar of itself- surprisingly praising the amended order as well. “We have always fought for Jammu’s interest. We thank Prime Minister and Home Minster for the amendment. We should welcome the measures and it is absolutely in people’s interest. There were misconceptions spread by the opposition on the matter,” said Kavinder Gupta who just two days ago welcomed the previous version of the order. “It is all amazing how the BJP is trying to confuse the masses with its own confused stands. There has been a complete chaos witnessed vis-a-vis the stand of the BJP in terms of the order. Now when it has been amended, the party is welcoming both the older as well as the amended versions of the domicile law. This is absolutely bizarre and confusing,” said, a Jammu based scribe covering the aftermath of domicile order issuance. |