JAMMU, May 4: Nami Dogri Sanstha (NDS) organized second multi lingual e-Mushaira wherein thirty four poets of Dogri, Urdu, Hindi and English participated. The digital poetic meet covered variety of subjects like corona pandemic, romance, environment, heroism, life styles, nationalism, varied social issues and duggar glory by way of ghazal, lyrics and poems. The poetry was posted on wattsapp group of the NDS by way of videos , audio and scripts. The lively style of compering by Yash Pal Yash, General Secretary of the Sanstha added colours to the mushaira. Yash critically evaluated each and every poetic item and expressed his views in the shape of various studios. The e-Mushaira was highly participatory as the literary comments and views of the participants also kept on pouring- in throughout the duration of the poetic meet Dr Vijay Puri famous cartoonist and Dogri poet also contributed with his views and helped in keeping the meet on proper bearing. Dogra Harish Kaila, President NDS complimented all the poets for their whole hearted participation and cooperation. Capt Lalit Sharma, convener NDS in his concluding remarks said that successful experiments of e-Mushaira has helped the poets and writers to maintain fraternity, ventilate their views, inculcate positivity and showcase their creativity for the wellbeing of the society. |