ASHWANI SHARMA Early Times Report
UDHAMPUR, May 4: An 82-year old woman from Udhampur who was detected infected with corona also become negative in GMC Jammu. This particular case was reported from Narsoo in Chenani tehsil and had been put under quarantine after found positive of COVID-19.“With one more positive test turns out negative, as many as 18 cases out of the total 19 positives now have recovered while one person had died earlier in district Udhampur. Out of the 17 recoveries earlier, eleven were from Tikri and Megani in Udhampur tehsil, two from Ramnagar and four from Narsoo area in Chenani tehsil. After this update Tikri and Megani areas in Udhampur tehsil, Narsoo area in Chenani tehsil and Ramnagar area in Ramnagar tehsil in district Udhampur are totally free from Covid-19 cases. Udhampur district has been declared as orange zone with other districts like Reasi, Rajouri and Ramban. Meanwhile, DC Udhampur, Dr Piyush Singla, tweeted, “With zero active COVID case, Udhampur has been categorized as orange zone district today. Dear Udhampurites, your patience and restrain get us to this stage. Important is to sustain and improve without complacency.”