Agencies Indian Railways on Sunday (May 10) announced that it is planning to gradually restart passenger train operations from May 12, 2020. Indian Railways announced that the services will restart initially with 15 pairs of trains (30 return journeys). These trains will be run as special trains from New Delhi Station connecting Dibrugarh, Agartala, Howrah, Patna, Bilaspur, Ranchi, Bhubaneswar, Secunderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Thiruvananthapuram, Madgaon, Mumbai Central, Ahmedabad and Jammu Tawi.
Indian Railways also announced that tickets can only be booked online via IRCTC website or through the Mobile App from 4 pm on Monday (May 11) and ticket counters will remain closed and no counter tickets (including platform tickets) will be issued for the time being.
Indian Railways said that it will soon start more special services on new routes, based on the available coaches after reserving 20,000 coaches for COVID-19 care centres and adequate number of coaches being reserved to enable operation of up to 300 trains everyday as “Shramik Special” for stranded migrants. Only passengers with valid confirmed tickets will be allowed to enter the railway stations. All passengers will have to wear face cover and undergo screening at departure and only asymptomatic passengers will be allowed to board the train.
Here's the complete list of 15 train (30, considering the return) which will be running from May 12:
1. New Delhi-Dibrugarh-New Delhi 2. New Delhi-Agartala-New Delhi 3. New Delhi-Howrah-New Delhi 4. New Delhi-Patna-New Delhi 5. New Delhi-Bilaspur-New Delhi 6. New Delhi-Ranchi-New Delhi 7. New Delhi-Bhubaneswar-New Delhi 8. New Delhi-Secunderabad-New Delhi 9. New Delhi-Bengaluru-New Delhi 10. New Delhi-Chennai-New Delhi 11. New Delhi-Thiruvananthapuram-New Delhi 12. New Delhi-Madgaon-New Delhi 13. New Delhi-Mumbai Central-New Delhi 14. New Delhi-Ahmedabad-New Delhi 15. New Delhi-Jammu Tawi-New Delhi |