Srinagar, May 15 As 50,000 stranded people returned home to Kashmir, the union territory administration has acquired 30,000 viral transport media (VTM) kits to ramp up the testing for coronavirus to ensure that the infection does not spread. An Indian Air Force (IAF) plane brought in the 30,000 VTM kits to Kashmir on Friday, officials said. They said the kits have been imported in bulk to ramp up the testing of people from Kashmir who are stranded in various parts of the country due to the coronavirus-induced lockdown. “We had 13 travellers, who returned to Kashmir recently, testing positive for COVID-19 on Thursday. Foreseeing this possibility, additional kits were procured to ensure that we test more and more people so that the infection does not spread,” the officials said. They said over 50,000 people have returned home since the administration launched efforts to bring back people stranded abroad and in various parts of the country.