JAMMU, May 16: The Station Director, Railways, Jammu has come up with certain instructions and precautionary measures to be taken by the general public and the passengers who are reaching Jammu by New Delhi Jammu Tawi Special Shramik Trains (SSTs) and also those passengers who are boarding the special trains at Jammu. Speaking about the precautions to be taken by the incoming passengers, Station Director, Railways, Jammu, Chetan Taneja said that the passengers have been strictly asked to cover their face with mask, follow social distancing norms and not to hurry while reaching the station. He further said that the passengers must follow the instructions of the railways employees and the state government employees who have been assigned with the duty of guiding the passengers during de-boarding. The passengers are requested not to open the doors of the train and not to stand or sit beside the door while travelling, wash or sanitize their hands, download “Aarogya Setu” app, and not to call family members, relatives or friends to the station, the Director added. The transportation facilities for the passengers have already been arranged by the State Govt, he informed. Registration, testing and sampling of all passengers will be done at Railway station, the Director also informed. Giving details of the precautions for the outgoing passengers from Jammu, Taneja said that only those passengers having confirmed tickets for the day’s journey will be allowed entry at the station as the confirmed ticket will be their movement pass to the station. He further informed that no family member, relatives or friends would be allowed to enter the station to drop the passengers and no vehicle will be allowed entry inside the station premises. The passengers have been strictly asked to cover their face with masks, follow social distancing norms, download “Aarogya-setu” app and keep ticket and Identity card in hand while entering the check point at the railway station, he informed. ‘Thermal-screening’ of all the passengers will be done at the station and the passengers are requested to reach the station at least 90 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train, he informed.