Jammu, Aug 30: The BJP SC Morcha has announced its office bearers for SC Morcha Jammu East Mandal. The new office bearers were announced by the BJP SC Morcha Jammu East Mandal president Sanjay Magotra in consultation with district president BJP Jammu Vinay K. Gupta, district president BJP SC Morcha Manohar Lal Menia Jammu, BJP East Mandal President Parveen Kerni and other senior leaders of the party. Charanjeet Majotra and Suresh Lalotra were nominated as Mandal Vice-Presidents, while Ricky Kumar was nominated as Mandal general secretary. Surekha Devi, Neelam Devi and Rajat Kumar have been nominated as Secretaries while Vinod Sangotra as Cashier, Vinod Kumar, Pawan Meenia as Social Media incharge. Mandal Executive Members were Asha Devi, Maya Devi, Shivakant, Geeta Basu, Sikander, Subash Chander, Sunny, Ramesh Kumar, Shashi, Manik. |