Agencies Coronavirus cases in India crossed the 70-lakh mark on Sunday (October 11) with more than 70,000 new cases. As per the Ministry of Health data the coronavirus cases in India stands at 70,53,807 with 74,383 new cases reported in the last 24 hours.
Out of the total cases, 8,67,496 are active cases, 60,77,977 cured/discharged/migrated cases. The recovery rate in India is at 86.17 per cent.
The death toll in India stands at 1,08,334 with 918 deaths reported in the last 24 hours.
Maharashtra continues to be the worst-affected State with 2,36,947 active cases. However, 12,29,339 patients have been cured and discharged in the state, while the disease has claimed 39,732 lives so far. Karnataka with 1,18,870 active cases and 5,61,610 recoveries is also severely affected by the pandemic. The disease has claimed 9,789 lives in the State.K erala too has 91,841 active cases, while 1,75,304 people have been cured and discharged in the State so far. |