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6 terrorist associates arrested | | | EARLY TIMES REPORT
Srinagar, Oct 16: The police have arrested six terrorist associates who had provided logistic support to militants for carrying out attacks on security forces that had left five personnel dead and several others injured. Special investigation teams were constituted for investigating attacks on security forces close to the national highway between August 14 and October 5, a police spokesperson said on Friday.“The investigating teams used technical as well as human intelligence to identify some suspects involved in these attacks. Subsequently, the teams launched a series of raids in Chadoora, Budgam, Nowgam and other areas of Srinagar and picked up around a dozen suspects for questioning,” the spokesperson said. “These teams were able to arrest six terrorist associates who had provided shelter, transportation and also conducted recce of the security force deployments where the above mentioned attacks were later on carried out by the terrorists,” he said. The location of the house was also ascertained, where the terrorists involved in these terror crime attacks were hiding at Barzulla, he added. The teams also seized six vehicles used to carry out these attacks, the spokesperson said. Two police personnel were killed while another was injured in a militant attack on August 14 at Gulshan Nagar Nowgam while one CRPF personnel was killed in an attack at Kaisermullah in Chadoora. In both the attacks, militants had snatched the weapons of the slain security forces personnel. Two CRPF personnel were killed in another attack close to the national highway on October 5 while four other personnel sustained injuries. IGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar congratulated the investigating teams for the success in busting this terrorist associate network and averting further attacks by this module. He also appealed to the general public not to provide their vehicles and accommodation to unknown people or suspects. |
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