Srinagar, Oct 18: The Border Security Force (BSF) held the second round of recruitment process in the form of written test at nine centers in Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh for the post of constable in the BSF and the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) on Sunday. “Border Security force held the second round of recruitment in the form of written test at nine centers spread at its campuses in Srinagar, Bandipore, Baramulla, Kupwara, Gurez Tangdhar and also at Police Line, Kargil, ITBP Camp, Leh and Police Line, Diskit, Nubra Valley, District Leh; for the post of constable (general duty),” the official release of BSF said. It stated a total of 1.356 vacancyies have been created since November 2019 to provide employment to the youth of 22 districts of newly created Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. “In these regions alone, over 11,000 aspirants had registered to get recruited in BSF and CISF at the initial stage and after the screening of their physical parameters and efficiency test, 5,151 male and 438 female candidates were found fit to appear for the written test on October 18,” the statement added. The BSF said that originally the written test was scheduled on December 29, 2019, but due to unconducive weather and later COVID-19 restrictions, it had to be postponed. “Result of written exam will be declared on November 3, 2020, and medical examination of the shortlisted candidates, and their appeals/review, if any, will be conducted from November 9 to December 26, 2020. The final area and category wise result of the successful candidates will be published on January 8, 2021,” it added.