UDHAMPUR, Feb 27: A valedictory function was organized by the teachers’ trainee in Government High School, Kirchi on the last day of Subject specific training of SST Programme organized by the DIET Udhampur, Kud. The 5-day long training programme started from February. Course Coordinator of the training programme Ashok Kumar, Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Assistant coordinator of the programme DRG Rakesh Singh successfully imparted training to the participants. Various hard spots of SST were discussed for the benefit of teachers’ trainee and also various Pedagogical techniques of teaching Social Science are discussed to update the teachers about latest tools and techniques to teach students of Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary Schools. Course Coordinator, Ashok Kumar stressed on the punctuality and time management along with making morning assembly more interesting to infuse sense of discipline in the students. Rakesh Singh DRG covered all the sections of social science which includes Geography, History, Indian Politics, Economics, Disaster Management and interrelation among various sections. Feedback is also given by the teachers’ trainee and they also extended their vote of thanks to Assistant Coordinator and Course Coordinator to conduct training programme in remotest zone of Udhampur successfully under harsh climatic conditions. |