After Ghulam Nabi Azad praised Modi for not forgetting his roots, netizens took a dig at the Congress party. At 7.15 on Sunday evening, #GhulamNabiAzad was trending on the top on twitter with BJP supporters chiding Congress leadership. One Twitter user predicted that Rahul Gandhi would now say that Ghulam Nabi Azad is turning into a Sanghi (RSS supporter). Congress supporters cried foul after Azad praised PM Modi. "Shame on you Manish Tewari, Kapil Sibal, Sanjay Jha, Raj Babbar, Salman Nizami and Vivek Tankha as you were promoting this I guess. Utter disgrace just for Rajya Sabha post.", one Congress supporter tweeted, adding, "You guys don't deserve to be in Congress actually. Are we fools who voted for you where one man Rahul Gandhi is fighting so hard battle?" |