Mehak Mehta
The unprecedented global emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has jolted our lives into jitter. Strange as it seems that we the ‘Humans’ mightiest of all creatures who keep on hoarding to fashion our futures, are now into the submission of a microscopic enemy making every thing frozen still. Since staying positive or negative is all a matter of our attitude, seeking a ray of hope at the end of a dark tunnel, the Corona pandemic has taught us various lessons to learn and implement in future. Contrary to the shackles of race, country, race, religion in which we keep ourselves entangled ,this unbiased corona-kind has detangled us from all the above restraints and made us realize that wherever far we go,we Humans will always remain connected to each other -biologically , physically,and chemically .This is entirely in accord with the wording of Swami Vivekananda,a spiritual Master of 19th century who said,” There exists a unity in variety .Mind , matter, spirit are all one”.Today the whole world seems to be United.Cutting across all the people- made boundaries ,nations have came together to support each other, distributing every possible humanitarian aid across the globe to combat such a global crisis.Today every religion , and every God,all stand united in these tough times .Every individua “Let us stand in solidarity not to a specific country, race or religion but rather to humanity”- David Vox is fighting as a soldier, armed with humanity , safeguarding the lives of humankind. Nature is repairing due to deceased pollution.Rivers are clearing, birds are chirping and flowers are blooming. All this puts me into self -interrogation .It makes me introspect that are not we the real virtues to this beautiful earth we are gifted with? Running it now and then. Just as sometimes a vaccination is require to cure ourselves ,this deadly has given a perfect time to meditate and bring control to our self – centred lives.It has also made us realize the significance of living in harmony with nature that we are ought to respect and protect. Since optimism is a more natural to navigate away from sadness and eases pain and grief,let us squeeze the lemons of coronavirus and turn into lemonade to seek better days that are on its way to come. To all the lives sacrificed in this pandemic ,let us pay tribute to them and pledge to be responsible citizens towards our mother earth , making this world a better place to live in. I am looking forward to seeing a different world of Humanity that knows no Division of age, wealth,caste,or creed. We leverage ourselves to more network building,make strong bonds, and steer our way for a world of beaming common humanity. Let the light of hope,calm and tranquility prevail!!. |