JAMMU, Oct 10: On the pious occasion of Navratri, Bhajan "Chandi Maa Da Dwara" sung by Vikram Singh Dogra was released at Appearances Boutique, Jammu today under Apna Folk Studio Youtube Channel. Women Club Meri Pehchan (WCMP) Chairperson Sandhya Gupta and Vikram Singh Dogra released the bhajan. The music of the bhajan is composed by Naresh NB (Musical Mafia), Lyrics by Shivani Tak, Video Director Rj Rajput, blessings by Sardari Lal, BJP State Youth President Arun Dev Singh and Tarun Uppal, The chief guest for the event was Sandhya Gupta (Chairperson WCMP) while the guests of honour were Arun Singh and Mohinder Kumar (Councillor). The guests congratulated the people on the occasion of Navratri and also appreciated the project being a very different and unique concept and encouraged the whole team to come up with more such projects to bring the artists of Jammu to the mainstream. |