JAMMU, Oct 17: The story of ‘Jumla’ came to prominence immediately after 2014, when the word was illustrated by present Union Home Minister Amit Shah while commenting on commitment made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in reference to the black money under circulation or being held by some elite or corporate Houses in India. Some people are still waiting that Rs 15 lacs shall be credited to their accounts in token of raids on black money in the country. This was stated by official press note of AAP, issued here adding that various noted economists in the country have so far not been able to understand as to how black money can be minimized, contained or eradicated through the exercise of demonetization by banning Rs 1000 note; replacing it by 2000 rupee note, which was again termed as ‘Jumla’. As regards another ‘Jumla’ of delimitation of Assembly or Parliamentary constituencies, the AAP release said that Art 82 of Indian Constitution clearly provides for delimitation of constituencies after every census, but who cares for constitutional provisions here as the last delimitation commission was constituted in J&K in 1995 under the chairmanship of Justice KK Gupta, the release asked. Referring to some spent forces who are crying hoarse from the roof tops regarding cause of Jammuites, the release asked as to why De-limitation Commission on the basis of 2011 census figures instead of 2021 as clearly provided by constitution of India as also Peoples Representation Act of India, when total electorates of Jammu Division are 53,78,534 as compared to 68,88,475 electorates of Kashmir valley as per 2011 census? We feel strongly that this has the implied consent of leaders who vociferously show their pains for Jammu cause, the release maintained and termed it another ‘Jumla’. And now speculations are rife, about Jammu becoming an independent state “Duggar Desh state” with Pathankot District of Punjab included in it, the release further wondered and described it as another ‘Jumla’ to divert the attention of poor public from the real issues of misgovernance, price rise in respect of sand, bajri, stones, edible oils, LPG, Petrol, Diesel, transport charges, fertilizers, electricity, water connections etc, the release said. The release further cautioned the general public not to fall in their trap because they are the creators of present messy and bloody atmosphere in the J&K and now with the revolutionary emergence of AAP in J&K, they are desperate and baffled to divert the attention of common man by putting “old wine in new bottles”. |