JAMMU, Nov 29: Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC), Corporator Parmodh Kapahi on Monday kickstarted drain work at Mohinder Nagar in Ward-14 at the cost work 4.50lakh, which were in dilapidated condition since long. The Corporator while addressing the media appealed the general public to come forward and cooperate with JMC in various development works undertaken by the department with in the Jammu city. He urged upon the residents to avoid using single used plastics, polythenes in their routine work, don’t throw debris, garbage filth etc in the public drains and lanes and nallahs. He added that kindly to adopt the habit of segregation of dry and wet garbage at their own level so that Jammu can be made neat, clean, green and beautiful city. Local residents including and other Ward member were present on the occasion Raj Kumar, Gulzar Singh, U S Rai, Arti Gupta, Tripta Gupta, Waryam Singh and others.