Early Times Report SRINAGAR, Mar 24: Jammu and Kashmir Police on Thursday claims to have booked four notorious drug peddlers under Public Safety Act (PSA) in Awantipora, officials said. Acting tough against the drug dealings and to eradicate the menace of drugs from the society, Police in Awantipora booked four notorious drug peddlers under PSA, police said. They said police in Awantipora in a series of actions have seized huge quantity of contraband substances from the possession of four notorious drug peddlers identified as Mohammad Ayoub Akhoon, Tariq Ahmad Mir alias Tariq Tiger, both residents of Tulbagh, Lateef Ahmad Wani alias Lateef Kala and Yawar Yousf Sofi alias Yawer Kandru of Kadlabal Pampore. Accordingly, cases were registered at various police stations of Police District Awantipora and the accused were arrested. The arrested drug peddlers were detained under PSA after obtaining orders from the authorities, they said. |