Tata Group on Thursday launched possibly India's first super app, Tata Neu, that brings together grocery-to-hotel-to-airline ticket booking and medicine on a single platform, rivalling similar products from Amazon and Walmart's Flipkart. In a social media post, Tata Sons' Chairman N Chandrasekaran said Tata Neu combines the traditional consumer-first approach of the group with the modern ethos of technology. "It is a Neu day today! Tata Digital, the youngest member of the Tata family, brings you Tata Neu today," he wrote on LinkedIn. As the Tata Neu app goes live today, Chandrasekaran said, "It makes me proud to see so many of our trusted and loved brands on the Tata Neu platform already, and Vistara, Air India, Titan, Tanishq, Tata Motors soon to join." When asked if users having apps like BigBasket, 1mg and Air India will have to uninstall them and install the superapp or the existing apps would automatically integrate into the new app, a Tata Digital spokesperson said, "The ecosystem will evolve over time, but currently all these apps will continue to be business as usual." The group has been testing the app since last year as it seeks to play a big role in the fast growing e-commerce space. Brands such as Air Asia, BigBasket, Croma, IHCL, Qmin, Starbucks, Tata 1Mg, Tata CLiQ, Tata Play and Westside are on the Tata Neu platform already, and Vistara, Air India, Titan, Tanishq and Tata Motors will soon join. |