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CONTAINING KASHMIR UNREST | | R. B. SURI | 8/26/2016 11:09:28 PM |
| Kashmir is burning these days because of non seriousness attitude of the State and the Central Governments since independence. They have made Kashmir as a mess . After the killing of dreaded HM Commander Burhan Wani , Kashmir unrest is in place since 48 days in which 69 innocents as on date have been killed and thousands got the severe injuries . Many injured have been discharged from the hospitals and still hundreds are being treated medically in the various hospitals in the valley. Convening of various meetings at New Delhi and Srinagar will not defuse the tangle of ongoing unrest as the educated unemployed of the state of Jammu and Kashmir who want their immediate settlement as they are at present jobless since more than a decade or so resulting which they are feeling helpless and also the Separatists and the Hurriyat top functionaries want a dialogue with the government without any further loss of time . We cannot win the hearts of the people of the valley without doing anything pracically. There is a dire need of a healing touch for the people of the valley as they are feeling aggrieved and helpless and are seeing towards their countrymen livng across the nation as also towards Government of India for solution of the problems involved . Within a one month, Country's Home Minister Rajnath Singh has visited Srinagar twice and met the various delegations of the cross sections of the people and the political parties in the valley and discussed the issues involved threadbare. May be the Prime Minister of the country Narender Modi would be visiting the valley very soon in order to defuse the prevailing situaion in the valley . Under the prevailing circumstances , an appropriate dialogue process be initiated and the unemployed youth be accommodated at the earliest . All the political parties have their own game plans about the Kashmir politics and the vote bank in the valley. They have the habit of keeping their cards close to their chests always and they go on en cash their vested interests . Kashmir Unrest can be contained easily saving thereby numerous human lives by doing the followings two steps:- 1. Granting "Unemployment Allowance" to Skilled and unskilled youth of the state on monthly basis 2. Initiating of constructive dialogue with the Separatists and the Hurriyat people It is pertinent to mention here that the people of the state at large through their right to franchise have already played their role J&K Legislative Assembly elections in 2014. Their coming out from the houses particularly the unemployed educated youth in very large numbers in taking active part in participating in the elections process have strengthened the very roots of the parliamentary democracy in the country in general and the state in particular.Their role was magnificent and appreciable because of the reason that they had shown the Separatists and the militant outfits the out gates thereby rejecting their dictates and boycott calls then for not taking part in the Government of India governed electoral process in the state . Giving Jobs to the un- employed youth of J&K should be on the top of the agenda of the State Government but painfully, it is penned here that the State Government always side lined the same for the reasons best known to the Rulers of the State from time to time . It was in the best interests of the State that by now the State Government as in the alternative, should have announced the "Unemployment Allowance" on monthly basis in favour of the skilled and unskilled youth of the State to make their both ends meet easily. All the successive governments in the past dodged the educated un -employed youth on one pretext or the other . If voted to power they would announce "Unemployment Allowance" in their favour. A 'Dialogue' is must. But one thing is there that it should be within the Indian Constitution . The Government of India should go ahead and the final outcome should be within the limits i.e. less than AZADI , come what may as AZADI cannot be considered at the cost of Indian Sovereignty and Integrity. At the same time , the Union Government should, without wasting any further time, implement the Lok Sabha Resolution 1994 for the vacation of POK by all means from the clutches of slavery of Pakistan . Pertinent to mention here that the unemployed educated youth of the state skilled and unskilled ranging from 70000 to 80000 are passing their miserable days. furious against the earlier Coalition Government . A dire need is felt to accommodate them suitably so that their energies are used for the welfare of the State thereby giving the signal to the others who have gone under the evil designs of the various militant outfits in the valley . By doing this act, the government would win the sympathies of educated unemployed youth in the State. Since they are penny less and get themselves misled by the unwanted people in the society and too feel burden upon their parents. Situation demands for the fair treatment to educated unemployed youthand they should be provided on an average Rs.2000 per month as per detail as under :- A) Rs. 2500 to Graduates and above B) Rs.1500 to under Graduates Based on this. there would be a financial burden of Rs. 200 crores on the State exchequer per annum. Unemployment issue is not a minor issue but it is a major issue as such special attention should be paid on it . According to the estimates approximately there are 80000 un-employed educated youth ( both skilled and unskilled ) in the State. . This issue of Unemployment has acquired the volcanic stage from where there is no chance for return . The issue involved should not be taken casually as all other things pertaining to the overall development of the state are immaterial. If the Coalition Government succeeds in plugging this grave problem , there would not be any threat to its existence from any quarter. I am of the firm view that major reason of the militancy in Kashmir is the un-employment of educated youth both skilled and unskilled as the successive governments in the past failed miserably to solve the problem of un-employment in the State as also a very little attention was paid towards the Industrialzation of the state . If this un-employment factor is plugged fully in absorbing the educated un-employed educated youth in the Government / Corporate . Militancy can be totally eliminated from the valley resulting which massive development of the state could be possible. Therefore it is in the interest of everybody in the State and feeling the necessity of the solution to the problem of un-employment, Government should adopt the measures as suggested in the preceding lines which will go a long way for the total welfare of the state . The ill of militancy is eliminated from the soil of J&K. So it is must that a negligible percentage of this quantum of amount being spent on development should be spent on meeting the dire need of educated un-employed youth of the state . If there will Solution to the un-employment problem is a solution to the problem of militancy in the valley as well and the State Government should take the cognizance of the same seriously . Thousands of crores of rupees are being spent on development which are meaningless unless be calm and peace all round then only development means everything for the overall betterment of the general masses of the state otherwise meaningless for all practical purposes . Let's hope for the best from all those who are at the helm of affairs in this sensitive state. To avoid educated un-employed youth unrest , this step of announcing the un-employment allowance is must which will go a long way in establishing the popularity of the present Coalition Government in the history of the state . The percentage of the trouble shooters in the valley is negligible ( just 5 %) who want total chaos and lawlessness there where as the majority is peace living. PAK and the Hurriyat functionaries exploited the educated un employed youth of the state for their vested intersts and made them as the stone pelters thereby funding them financially . Providing them with the grant of "Unemployment Allowance " on monthly basis would certainly contain the 'Kashmir Unrest' definitely. With this , they will be having the soft corner for the State Government. Simultaneously, Recruitment drives be organised for their absorption into the state services and other corporate . |
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