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Kashmiris will forget pakistan if they know condition of Baluchistan | | Nikhil Gupta | 8/26/2016 11:09:46 PM |
| It gives me joy and pleasure that at last an Indian Prime Minister has shown mirror to Pakistan by raising the issue of Baluchistan . In a stern message to Pakistan PM Modi said the time has come for Pakistan to answer the world on atrocities against the people in Balochistan . In his Independence Day address, on 15 August 2016, the Indian Prime Minister spoke about the expressions of gratitude and appreciation that he had received from the people of Baluchistan. It is known that Balochistan is not an internal matter of Pakistan if we see the legal status of Balochistan . The whole issue hinges on whether or not Kalat (as Balochistan was then called) was an Indian princely state or an independent non-Indian state under British rule. Even though British did many treaties with the Kalat state they kept the notion of the independence of the Kalat and that is why the Head of Kalat never joined the chamber of princess under the Britishers . It is interesting to note that the titular heads of the 560-odd princely states including our Jammu and kashmir state had joined the chamber of princes but the head of Kalat state never joined it . However the Government Of India Act 1935 treated the state of Kalat as a part of India triggering the protest from Kalat state .Later the Kalat state declared the independence on August 12, 1947, two days before the creation of Pakistan. But this independence was short-lived as at the end of March 1948, Pakistan occupied Kalat and forced the head of Kalat to sign the instrument of accession. After this the pakistanis stated doing atrocities on the Baluchi people because the Baluchi people never recognized their forcible merger with pakistanis . Moreover pakistan started to exploit the mineral resources of Baluchistan without giving any job opportunities to the native Baluch people . It is horrible to note that the Gwader port is being handled by the Chinese and the panjabi speaking pakistanies but not the Baluchi people in whose territory this Gwader port is geographically located . The Pakistanies are giving Baloch people gifts of bullet-riddled bodies and missing persons which has created hatred against them . The Baloch people were never asked if they wanted to be part of Pakistan. They never voted to join Pakistan. Indeed, the Baloch parliament voted unanimously against incorporation into the new Pakistani state. Thousands of Baloch people have been massacred, hundreds of thousands made refugees, and thousands more have disappeared or been tortured and jailed, often without trial. Pakistan is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Baluchistan's natural resources have been looted by Pakistan's political, military and big business elite, while most Baloch people live in abject poverty. The Balochi language and culture has been suppressed in classic colonialist style. Details of Pakistan's human rights abuses in Balochistan are well documented by Pakistani and international human rights groups . Pakistani army does indiscriminate bombing of Baluch civilian areas and the mass slaughter of livestock which is deliberately designed to starve the people in pro-nationalist towns and villages. A popular Baloch leader Akbar Khan Bugti was killed by Pakistani security services in 2006. The Baloch people are demanding an end to Pakistani military operations, the release of political prisoners, a fair share of the natural resources in their own country, and the restoration of self-rule . Pakistan was once a victim of British colonialism. Now it has turned colonial master and is subjecting Balochistan to colonial-style subjugation. The Baloch people like all people everywhere have a right to self-determination, democracy, human rights and social justice. There is no democracy or freedom of expression in Baluchistan . In fact it is not there in whole of pakistan itself . Pakistanis is a devil and rogue country that sends shameful and shameless terrorists to die in India and when these shameful terrorists are caught in India then they cut a sorry figure and behave like momins . I think our India should not show mercy on such caught terrorist turned momins . Pakistan is the only country in the world that refused to take the bodies of her own pakistani soldiers killed in the Kargil battle . What a shameless country this pakistan is ? Indian army chief during kargil battle said on record that pakistani army chief Musharraf was an army chief who did not dare to own up Pakistani army casualties and refused to take their dead bodies which had to be buried with honor by Indian forces. This is the difference between Indian and pakistani armies . Whereas our army and our country are full of human values the pakistani army and their country is devoid of any human values . Recently our Home Minister went to pakistan but had to come back without taking any food there due to horrible behavior of the cultureless pakistanies . I don't think the well educated and good Kashmiri people will ever want to go to hell country of pakistan . World knows about notorious Tikka Khan of Pakistan who earned his reputation as "Butcher of Balochistan" after he led a barbaric and ruthless military campaign to crush Baloch nationalists in 1970 . Turmoil in Balochistan has a long history. It is the largest province of Pakistan, but is very sparsely populated. In addition, it has almost all of Pakistan's mineral and natural gas resources. Yet it is also undoubtedly the least developed part of Pakistan. While Balochistan supplies the natural resources, the Balochis themselves remained poor. This had bred a sense of grievance and Baluchi people want to get freedom from rogue nation of pakistan . The people of Baluchistan are so much tortured by pakistani authorities that now they do not seem to think that conditions could get more repressive. Pakistan has also been freely using helicopter gunships and airpower against its own people. It is interesting to compare Indian operations in Jammu and Kashmir with this. We have never used airpower in Kashmir. The reason is simply that it is a blunt instrument and the danger of collateral damage is big. Baluchi people have therefore welcomed the Indian Prime Minister's statements on Balochistan . But it is sad that many people in India are against the raising of Balochistan issue and one such person is Salman Khurshid ji who was a former external affairs minister of India . He questioned whether Balochistan was part of India and said the doctrine of Panchsheel does not allow India to interfere in internal matters of other states. He said , "Is Balochistan a part of India? Doesn't India believe in Panchsheel ? Is it not a departure from that? " I saw his face on TV while he was speaking against raising of Balochistan issue by Indian prime Minister . It looked from his face on TV that he cut a sorry figure and he was looking astonished . But I want to ask him why should India adhere to panchsheel ? Is it not the same Panchsheel that former Prime Minsister Nehru ji liked so much ? Is it not the same panchsheel that was torn into pieces when China attacked India in 1962 ? Further why should India not raise Balochistan issue when there are glaring atrocities on Baluchi people by the rogue state of pakistan ? Why should India not tell about horrors of Baluchistan to the world and to the people in Kashmir ? Pakistan owes its existence and survival to being unreasonable. India is now taking baby steps at being assertive. It is often said that there are no permanent enemies or friends but only permanent interests in international diplomacy. Further in diplomacy there are no permanent policies because one can only have permanent ideas or permanent interests but not both. I think that India has done good by raising Balochistan issue and now India should raise it in every international forum . Pakistan will forget Kashmir if shown mirror in Baluchistan . Indian policy makers should tell about the real face of pakistan to every kashmiri and about the comparative comfort of living in free democratic India . |
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