Mohammad Sarfaraz Early Times Report SRINAGAR, Feb 10: Despite audits, state exchequer is being deliberately put to deficit as this time the salaries were drawn for some posts over and above the sanctioned strength in the ULBK department, and government fails to take any action against the concerned department. A circular was issued by the Accounts Officer Urban Local Bodies Kashmir to all Chief Executive Officers. Executive Officer, Municipal Council/Committee of Kashmir division vide letter no: DULB/A/2569/3692-3736 dated: 08/02/2018, which said in the subject that sanctioned/existing strength and drawl of excess salary, vide reference of Director Local Fund Audit & Pension Finance Department J&K Jammu's letter no: DLFAP/2017-18/176/287/916-19 dated 07-02-2011. The Director Local Fund Audit & Pension, Finance Department J&K Jammu, brought to the notice of this directorate, that during the audit of different Municipal Institutions, it has been observed that salaries are being drawn for some posts over and above the sanctioned strength, said a circular copy that is in possession of early times. However sources said that, the staff pattern was already in 2008 instructed by the Government (under reorganization & recruitment rules) and in many other circulars, orders from Govt & Administrative Deptt, as well as from DULBK from time to time. Regarding the excess staff, it was proved in 2011 that all persons that are excess are fraudulently appointed by ex-Directors & executive officers jointly under the captain-ship of Tara Chand (Ex-minister of HUD), sources claimed. They said that in order to curb this fiasco, the government released orders & circulars from Chief Secretary to Director ULBK, but nothing was happened till date and the practice is still going on in the department concerned. Irony is that the salaries of these excess staff are distributed by the Office of Director Urban Local Bodies Kashmir (DULBK) with the consent of fraudulent Executive Officers (EO's), According to sources that to issue these all orders are just made for fun and to avoid any issue, which is actually to divert the attention of the law enforcing agencies like VoK/ Crime Branch to get them trapped from the wrong doings, said sources. Sources asked that what these audit parties were doing from past many years as they have not approached the Govt for the misappropriation of funds and other irregularities as multiple audits were done through these whole years. It came into light after very long time as the audit parties must have been busy in receiving bribes from Committees, sources alleged. Sources said the Director ULBK should verify and ask the concerned officials as to why the excess salary was released in favor of the Committees. The Director Local fund Audit should also verify from audit parties as why the excess staff was exposed only now, while as it was exposed in 2011, that more than 3000 persons where excess in the ULBK, sources added. |