Early Times Report
JAMMU, Aug 26 : Sujok therapy has kindled a "mild hope" of the parents of at least five deaf and dumb students of the School for Hearing Handicapped being run by a NGO, J&K Samaj Kalyan Kendra. Sujok Therapy Clinic is being run at Day Care Centre, Exhibition Ground, here by Central Govt. Pensioners' Welfare Association (CGPWA) under the guidance of Prof Kewal Krishan Sharma, a retired scientist, researcher, social activist who has been practicing Sujok Therapy at Dehradun after retirement. This Clinic was inaugurated by B. B Vyas presently Advisor to the Governor on December17 last year on the occasion of National Pensioners' Day. It is CGPWA initiative to provide alternate medicine-less Healthcare facility to the people of the Jammu. Sujok therapy has been credited with cure of health problems relating to nervous system, indigestion, respiratory system, orthopedics, blood circulation, psychological disorder and uro-genital disorders. Sujok therapy is being tested on hearing and speech impaired children in the State for the first time. In his first session of 20-minutes each, Dr. Sharma gave Sujok treatment to nine 12th class students of School for Hearing Handicapped, "positive" response in hearing was found in four of them including one girl while another boy showed "a very little" response. First, he treated their thumb to trace the relevant point and then gave Sujok treatment on their ears. There was no response in three other boys, in fact their relevant points in their thumbs didn't respond to the pressure. After two such Sujok Therapy sessions, Dr. Sharma was very cautious in making any claim of success even though "two of the students including a girl Priya heard the sound for the first time". He said, "For me, such a positive result in the very first attempt is encouraging". After trial treatment they could answer Doctor's call and repeated his "words". Their parents who were accompanying them were advised to give further Sujok therapy but they would be subjected to advanced hearing and speech tests to evaluate their condition. Seeing good result of Sujok Therapy on these congenital deaf children, Dr. Sharma said that it would be useful for senior citizens whose hearing faculty gets affected. It has opened up alternate treatment option which has no side effects. Sujok is unique therapy which is based on a concept of "Healing without Medicines" and natural treatment of all diseases. In Korean language, SU means hand and JOK means foot and this therapy is administered through hand & foot. This drugless therapy was developed 44 years ago by a Korean scientist and acupressure practitioner, Prof. Park Jae Woo to treat all types of diseases by balancing the energy system of the human body. This healthcare system believes that diseases are nothing but an imbalance of the energies of the "panch tattya" (five elements) due to some environmental factors and this therapy helps in balancing these energies to regain and maintain a perfect health. Sujok therapy is simple treatment which is absolutely safe, medicine less and without side effects. Its slogan is "you have nothing to lose except pain". |