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Serious blow to the image of CBI | | Omkar Dattatray | 11/2/2018 9:53:46 PM |
| Lord Acton had rightly said years ago" Power corrupts while absolute power corrupts absolutely". This is not a theoretical postulation but approximates in actual scenario of corruption in the globe with India as no exception. The CBI muddle and controversy has rocked and shocked the nation. It is an irony and is very unfortunate that the primer investigating agency of the country - CBI is in news not for good reason but for a feud and quarrel between the top most officers of this legendary autonomous organization. This is an unprecedented controversy in the 55 years existence of the highest investigative agency of the country but the fact remain that the CBI ever since its existence has remained one of the controversial organizations. Though in theory, it is impartial, objective, unbiased and above all autonomous but in practice, it in stands invaded by the bureaucratic and political interference and intervention. But still this apex investigative agency enjoyed a good reputation and image and the ordinary people of the country looked towards it for fair and objective investigation of the scams, scandals, swindles, corruption cases and other such issues requiring investigation by CBI. However, now the situation has come to such a pass that the very reputation and image of this organization has got a serious blow due to the feud and controversy between its Director, Alok Verma and special director Rakesh Asthana. It can easily be bracketed as Verma vs Asthana. It is most distrurbing that this battle between the two top most officers of the agency has now reached to the street and to the highest court of the country. However, one thing is certain that CBI has not remained an autonomous and independent organization. From the very first days of its coming into being, the political and government interference in its functioning is not concealed from anyone. Political parties in power have always used and misused this agency to defeat their political opponents and have used it for their ulterior motives. Thus, the agency has always been used by the power that be to score political points and brow beat the political opponents. So, there is political and governmental interference in this primer investigative agency of the country but still it enjoyed good credibility among the Indian masses. However credibility of the CBI has been dented to a great extent due to the present feud and controversy between Verma and Asthana. Director Verma has gone to the extent of calling Asthana as the leader of the gang of extortionists and the feud has now become public and the corrupt practices in the highest organizations is a matter of grave and serious concern and deserve immediate attention by the powers to resurrect the fading image of the CBI. All earnest efforts must be taken to restore the credibility and image of the CBI which has been tarnished by the allegations of corruption against Alok verma and Rakesh Asthana and the feud between the two. In a mid night operation central government has divested two officers of their power and asked them to go on leave and as an interim arrangement M. Nageshwara Roa has been given charge of CBI. But Roa has been given only routine powers and not policy matters as directed by the apex court while hearing a writ petition by Alok Verma questioning the legality of the order divesting him of the power. The Supreme Court has asked central vigilance commission which has the power of superintendence over CBI for a quick probe into the allegation of corruption against Verma as contained in the letter sent by cabinet secretary on August 24. The court has ordered quick probe by CVC under the supervision of a retired judge of the Supreme Court A.K Patnaik. The court has clarified that supervision by the former judge of the apex court over CVC is a onetime exception given the peculiar circumstances of the case. Arun Jaitely finance minister of India has rightly said that at this time it is immature and improper to say who is at fault. It is only after proper probe by CVC that the guilty will be pinpointed. Therefore only time will reveal the truth about the corruption in the CBI which has become a talk of the town. The legendary autonomous agency has been the center of ridicule in the past and at the time when UPA government was ruling the country, apex court has likened and compared CBI with caged parrot meaning thereby that there is no autonomy and independence of the agency as it like a caged parrot. In fact CBI is a puppet of the power that be at the centre and the sorry state of affairs is that even now that efforts are not being made to free the parrot meaning CBI from the cage and this is very disturbing development and a cause of grave concern. From the above observation of the apex court it is clear that CBI has lost all sense of autonomy and has become a political tool of politician to fight each other. In fact the Asthana vs Verma dual has power players behind it. There is infact Gujarat connection in the present CBI muddle as the men at the helm of affairs at CBI were the favorites of PM Narinder Modi and Amit Shah and they has inducted their favorites to run this agency and in a way to settle political scores with their opponents. It is the real story on the corruption allegations against the two heading the agency and leveling charges and counter charges against each other. This dramatic upheaval in the CBI has tarnished the image of the so called independent probe agency of the nation. In the Indian political system CBI has been used and misused by the power that, be for their selfish and ulterior motive and to beat their rivals in the political game. There is urgent and great need for the institutional and structural reform of the CBI to make it once again an institution of excellence so that it delivers the best so for as its jurisdiction of fighting corruption and probing and other serious issues is concerned. But it is unfortunate and painful that the agency entrusted with the power of investigating corruption, scams and scandals and other such issues is itself involved in corrupt practices. Therefore without wasting any further time steps should be taken to restore the image and reputation of the central Bureau of Investigation so that people will look towards it with great hope and expectation in probing cases of extraordinary corruption as an independent and autonomous agency. Therefore all efforts should be taken to resurrect the credibility of CBI and its autonomous character. There is need to cleanse this premier agency of the dirt and mud of corruption charges and restore its credibility CBI muddle now stands politicized also and this CBI feud has become another weapon in the hands of Congress President to fight his arch rival Narinder Modi in 2019 elections. Congress President says that CBI director Alok Verma was removed as he was probing the much politicized Rafeal deal contracted by the NDA government. Whatever it is there is urgent need for the structural and institutional reform of CBI and this should be carried and the autonomy and the image of the agency should be restored at the earliest for the good of the agency and the nation. |
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