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Outdated plebiscite Hurriyat demand for Jammu and Kashmir is not possible | | A N Bharadwaj | 11/10/2018 8:50:24 PM |
| The world powers are fully aware that Pakistan evaded for processing the UN Security Council plebiscite relating resolution despite it agreed, and India after long discussion agreed with some conditions which was accepted by the UN Security Council. It was supposed to process the case within the limitation of the operative Para of the representation submitted but ignoring that it had conceived a new issue of plebiscite under the protest of forever lasting peace beyond the scope of the representation which developed the complications in the case. India knocked its door only to get Pak aggression over Indian J&K State and further bloodshed stopped and surrender its territory encroached upon during aggression. The plebiscite issue made a headache for these two parties which conceived so many implications. However after long discussion India agreed for its proposal with some conditions which were accepted by the Council and Pakistan had also agreed for the proposal of plebiscite but later on at the time of process it evaded to continue the process of the proposal and spurned away in the dust bin. After wards it closed the chapter once for all. After so many decades, Pakistan through its valley based stipendiary lobby working for its cause among the people to generate terrorism to hit India to bow it according to its terms and conditions, raised its voice for plebiscite which had already been rejected by Pakistan. The original status of the State is nowhere on the ground, which was shattered its original physical position unlawfully and is accountable for the violations. Pak despotic Pak-ruler despite had no sovereign status, whimsically without taking UN Security Council and India into its confidence, surrendered Indian State territory to China, which displayed of serious violation at the cost of Indian sovereignty while that was not competent absolutely and more that, without any status physical map has changed of Gilgit Agency by set abiding the demonstration and agitation and changing the demography of the territory which was highly objectionable and ruined their economy. Similarly that has made a objectionable changes of the status quo territory which as it had no right to change its status on its own without taking into its confidence of the concurred authorities but it changed without any sovereign rights. Under the circumstances Pak as a care taker of status quo territory, as a dictator had no legal rights to run forward to exercise the sovereign power for any agreement or shatter that status quo territory politically. The UNO is accountable for all the violative affairs which are very serious for the future circumstance. In the light of shattering the status quo, of Indian sovereign territory, to speak for plebiscite is not possible without restoring the status of the State. Soon after the Accession of the State Jammu and Kashmir with India, it was integrated with other states of the country as it is a irreparable part. Later on, State Legislative Assemble put a stamp as irreparable part of the country. After every six years, the people of the state take part in the election to vote in favour of the candidate as desired by him, which is already testified to the integration of their State with India. Pak also should first adopt democracy and allow its people the right of franchise. It has no right for the interference in its integrity and in the internal affairs, as well as to poke its nose to interfere in the affairs of India. To raise the Kashmir issues time and again which is a part of its policy against India in the UN Security Council to malign it on baseless changes, to keep its leadership among the masses. Infact, it has no legal rights to stake its claim on the territory of Jammu and Kashmir State. No doubt, that vide UN Kashmir plebiscite relating resolution dated 13th August 1948, India co-operated to go for it with some conditions which was agreed by the UN Security Council Similarly, Pak first denied, but long discussion it accepted. Thereafter, the Council first asked to Pakistan to make the congenial atmosphere and vacate its forces along with aliens from the territory occupied during aggression, but it did not comply with the instructions and had been reluctant to carry on its instructions despite reminders with the result of that, the issue was closed once for all. After examine the case, it divulges that vide the operative Para of the representation submitted by India, there no sign had appeared which may indicate for the proposal of plebiscite. India knocked the door of the Council that Pak committed a horrific aggression over its Indian State of J&K State and encroached upon its 1/3rd territory and further bloodshed which may kindly be got stopped and its grabbing territory be surrendered. The Council viewed the representation and atone cease fire was declared and the territory encroached upon by it, was put under the protection of Pakistan as a status quo territory till further orders. India one of the biggest countries of the world knocked the door of the world body the UNO, in the acknowledged Status of the Sovereign country in the hope that its territory which had been grabbed through an act of the most immoral kind of bloody warfare would help to get it released from the Pak-possession, not for complicating the issue, wherein India frustrated keeping in view of the UN processing the case. India submitted a representation on that subject on two issues only to the UN Security council with the request that Pak committed an aggression over its State of Jammu and Kashmir and encroached upon its 1/3rd territory of is state which may kindly be got stopped and surrendered the grabbed territory. Indian complaint was responded by the Council and atones declared the cease fire and the grabbed territory was put under the protection and careful security of Pakistan as status quo territory. Infact the plebiscite was not a remedy to decide the future of the fate of the people, because of, it does not provide fair and free atmosphere. Usually, the mindset of the campaigners in toxically under the influence of communal riots and tearing campaign based on religious highly of passed passions are insets gated and destroyed the peace and order resulting in not fulfilling the aims and set requirements. The plebiscite or referendum requires peaceful atmosphere free from religious fanaticism and incitation. That nonsense creates self desired obstacles to get justified and impartial results. During campaign, the mindset of the people under the influence of religious propaganda is agitated and instigated, instead of prorogating to provide developments, education, medical, removal of backwardness, poverty, untouchably and communication etc for the people, but asked them to vote on the basis of Islam two nation theory which India has never accepted on any situation. Thus the people go to follow the Islamic path. After the petition of British India in 1947, the referendum was held to decide the fate of the people of the State of North Western province with heavy pressure by the Muslim campaigners headed by M. A. Jinnah, All Indian Muslims League had followed the technique of handed over a copy of pious Quran in one hand and identity card to other hand to cast the vote to them, which gave a set back to the secular Government of the State and the communal Muslim League got majority to oust the Khan Sahib brother of Abdul Guffar Kahn to eliminate the minorities. On that its back ground, the valley based Pak stipendiary lobby working to implement its agenda for Pak cause hatched an intrigue to repeat the plebiscite for J&K State, which was rejected already by Pakistan has mentioned above. Now, the same Pakistan has changed the physical status of the State whimsically on his own at the cost of Indian sovereignty without taking in to its confidence of the UNO, the question of plebiscite does not arise on any court. Its calamitous dream would never be fulfilled its desire at the cost of minorities. Besides arguments as mentioned the issue of plebiscite for the State could have not come invent of in any dispassion. Pak time and again repeat the UN plebiscite reference the UN itself declared already that those all Kashmir relating resolutions have no weight in the light of Simla Agreement. Thus the plebiscite question for State is irrelevant question. In the present scenario the plebiscite is not possible absolutely for Jammu and Kashmir State. Pakistan misleading the world that the Muslim majority State being a disputed territory where people were fight for the right of self determination. Thereby it maligns India continuously on international level. Therefore Pak focused to deal with the so called Kashmir issue through plebiscite by producing reference of UN resolutions, but it evaded to fulfill the condition of the resolutions, time Pak has changed the physical status of the State. It should be painted out of which State it talks for plebiscite internationally and the talk of fulfill the conditions radiated with the plebiscite has never mentioned by it. The question raised neither it nor its valley based stipendiary lobby assured to the world powers to fulfill the conditions of the UN resolutions. It should know now that it is an out dated proposal which will not restore peace and harmony. That has already been rejected by the world power totally. Pak and its valley based stipendiary lobby should aware that the self determination formula is applied only for those people who lead their lives udder slavery of colonial rule. Any demand or any other campaign which dismember the impact of the nation and the territorial integrity of the sovereignty of the country cannot be taken in view. The microscopic Kashmiri Muslim community of nation of India does not qualify the demand for secession. They are the part of the nation of India inherently who cannot be alienated merely on the ground of religion. There are more than the 140-minority groups in the world who desire to depart from the mainstream. No country of the world will allow any section or groups to disregard the status of its nation so as to, limit the territories. This is the principle under which world order is based. In this regard sir Dixon and Josef Korhel UN Commission of India and Pakistan expressed that mere technically of inducting plebiscite seemed beyond the scope of reality. They further said that they had discouraged by the experience in Europe with plebiscites which turned into mere instruments of propaganda pressure and falsification. Apart from it, the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has also expressed his view regarding resolution passed by it of being useless in the present scenarios. He rejected it totally in the light of Shimla Agreements. It was decided vide Simla agreement of 1972 to decide mutual differences at our own accord without any mediator bilaterally. According to that, India released Pak-war prisoners and cease fire line was called as line of control and rain of other demands according to its aspiration were showered to win its confidence and further decided that in the next meeting the issue will be decided to develop the political mutual relations. Since that so many two nations meeting were convened, but Kashmir agenda had never been discussed. India issued representations and expressed its resentments, beside that two resolutions one after other passed by Parliament of India to vacate its grabbed territory during aggression and holocaust but it's all efforts had gone in vain. Pak did not acknowledge the efforts of India, but replied with extreme terrorism. It approached world powers, especially UN authorities to indulge in the dispute against India which has occupied Kashmir un-authorisedly. It maligned India to the maximum extent by misleading and concocted propaganda, but all the world powers were being reluctant and informed that being the issue was bilateral, therefore it was not possible to interfere in that issue and advised to decide mutually. Similarly whenever it raised the Kashmir issue in the UN forum, it could not justified its stand and faced humiliation. In the so called victory speech the Pak Prime Minister declared that he would ready to improve the political relations with India and resolve all disputes including the core issue of Kashmir. It seems that he is unaware about the historical facts especially UN resolution of Kashmir-Jammu & Kashmir State. He should know that the UN resolutions guides about conditional plebiscite as a solution to the so called Kashmir issue, but at the same time, the UN instructed to Pak to fulfill certain conditions before conducting plebiscite process in the State as it was existed on 1947, to ascertain the views of the people of the State, as to what they desire India or Pakistan. There is no other choice of independence or joint control over the State. The UN resolution directly asked Pakistan to vacate unauthorized State territory grabbed during aggression and quit Gilgit Agency, which territories are legatiomately India, as these were part of the Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir. If, it wants a plebiscite to be organized in the said State, has not up to only Pok without Gilgit Agency cannot be, but it, also further violated the UN resolution by ceding a part of the Indian State status quo territory of Sakhsham valley to China without taking into UN confidence, while it had no sovereign rights to alter the status quo territory of Indian State territory which is a very serious. Pak should know that authoritative actual political rights of the state over India are unchallengeable which have recognized the world powers, especially the UNO also. Pakistan has violent garbling policy of terror country. It grabbed Kalat State Baluchistan, and ruined Afghanistan brutally where agitation is still continuing since 1947 against Pakistan. Similarly, by using those tactics, it is bleeding India through its barbaric terrorism. It should go first to abide by the conditions laid down by UNO for plebiscite, before any cry and fake mischievous propaganda against India to mislead the world. India is a third country in the world having the largest Muslim population. These Muslims were born in India and are Indian citizens. They have same rights and privileges, which are enjoyed by their neighbors. The many Muslims are occupying high position in the Government of India, to the maximum extent as Rashtrapati up. Rashtrapati, Ambassadors and other key posts. The basis of their honorable living lies plural secularism only and also peace and unity. Unfortunately, the Pak rulers due to jealousy do not like to see their comfort and prosperous living. Their political character speak in the light of the State historical incidences that they are only self styled protector of Islam and guardian to protect their Kashmir Muslim interest of these invisible minority, but who are already save in the Indian secular democracy, enjoy special status more than the Muslims of India, living other part of the country. India would never accept the demand of valley based Pak stipendiary lobby who has been branded by the National Investigation Agency as Pak spies, for its cause by misleading Kashmiri Muslim and acknowledged criminal, have no public representative character, create dread through terrorism in the name of Islam religion by following two nation theory to eliminate minorities to establish Nism-e-Mustafa for khalipha. These anti national elements who are not public representatives spoiled the future of the younger generation for their own interest by taking the advantage of religious proximity. The same technique is used with the Muslim world powers. Muslim minorities are deprived of to get the same protection and privileges against the humane teaching of Islam. Pakistan should justify its assertion for the information of the world powers. India while protects more than 40 million Muslims of its country ensures their well being economic, social and cultural developments of these Muslims living in the other parts of the country, so on that basis India is well competent to protect these Kashmiri Muslims in all respects, that minority, Indian citizens, opted to stay in India, would have to abide by the secular constitution of the country instead of two nation theory of Jinnah Muslim league. Where minorities are slaughtered and their ladies are kept with them for sexual assaults. The State Jammu and Kashmir developed to the remarkable progress by its people in every sphere of life, those who urge either through ignorance or mischief, that minuscule minority of Kashmiri Muslims naturally should be a part of Pakistan in that event more than 40 million Muslims of India living in other parts of the country would also look to Pakistan for their well being and protection that un called vision is an absorbed and obnoxious which does not justify for those who claim the guardian of Islam. Now no after thought any issue can be raised for so called political question under the pretexts of religion for Islamisation the state. Once they opted to stay in India as Indian citizens by their leaders at the time of Partition, now they cannot change their citizenship at any cost. Pakistan has never been remained under its domain and to speak on the mere ground of its being Muslim majority territory is a vague advocacy, because of India did never accept the policy of Muslim League. India enjoys secularism vide its Constitution, rules its people in the same equal yards, besides the people of the state including Kashmiri Muslims are bound themselves with Indian people through the verdict of the J&K State Constituent Assembly. The world wide people look upon Kashmir as a symble of their hopes and aspirations for a way of life which is above religious striate, and intolerance under the circumstances India would not allow its citizens to move for gallows of Pakistan. Pakistan is only a care taker of the status quo territory of Jammu and Kashmir state occupied by it during aggression, but it had no legal rights to hand over two thousand sq miles saksham valley of the J&K State to china, while it had no sovereign rights to enter into agreement without taking UN into confidence, which was a gross violation and blasting. The relation of the State with India does not depend on the will of few criminal people against whom criminal cases are lying for further process and who are the valley based Pak stipendiary lobby working in the state to implement Pak agenda by taking disadvantage of the liberal policy of the Government of India, and who branded by National Investigation Agency Pak spyies but, they shameless criminal boast to claim the spoke persons and representatives of the State people, which itself is a jibe. On the other side, the joint statement of China Pak Foreign Ministers asserted that Kashmir trouble gave vent to the feelings of the State people against India, but on the issue of welcoming statement of the Prime Minister India, Lal Bhadur Shastri on sacred relic, where the State people had expressed their desire for remaining with India, those who talk of Kashmir problem, now are either themselves whimsical or make the people of the world whimsical. No doubt, the J&K State decided to align with India, at the critical movement, when Pak forces were killing innocent Kashmiri Muslim in the guise of tribal people and thousands were falling prey to the aggressive act. However, keeping in view of spilling blood of Kashmiri Muslims, India dispatched its forces for the protection and defence of the State. The gallant dedicated like Brigadier Usman sacrificed his life while upholding the honour of mother land. It was Pakistan that violated the UN Security Council resolution. Thus it had proved itself guilty. That was the historic fact, and India's position was quite clear, but there is no change to improve the diplomatic relations with its neighbor, but increased terrorism to prick India. The political situation of the country reveals in the light of Pak technique of breach of faith, deceit and mischief that it did not respect UN Kashmir relating resolutions and Simla agreement as well as vacated the occupied Indian State territory and wishes to decide the issue through war, with the support of China, which is horrible. Thus has proved itself guilty. Kashmir does not belong to Pakistan on the mere ground of being Kashmiri Muslim majority territory. The Kahsmiri people had opted India during partition and have bound themselves with Indian people through the verdict of Kashmir constitution and that the Kashmir acceding (Jammu & Kashmir) to India are happy and prosperous is evidenced by the glaring poverty, hunger, and ignorance of the people of the enslaved people of J&K State occupied by Pakistan, which is to be surrendered. India is a destiny of democracy in Asia and of the world peace. On the other side Pakistan is merely a geographical name of two faced military post. |
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