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Human Rights Violation: Pak brutal in PoK, Gilgit & Pak-occupied Baluchistan-I | | | A N Bharadwaj
It is well known to the world that the people of the Pak occupied J&K State territory including, Gilgit Agency and Pak occupied Baluchistan are being victimized and targeted for the fodder of Pak cannons vide its crushing policy. First of all, Pak took misadventure to alter the status quo of Indian occupied part of J&K State territory on its own administrative convenience without taking into confidence of the UNO, which created the unrest chaos, anarchy and instability among the people due to the self made step mother policy. Its that uncivil system of the so called self-goverence with political power vested to the federal government and exercised through the draconian dummy Ministry of Kashmir affairs. To fill in blanks, the privy election held in PoK on 26th June 2016, who were essentially Indian citizens living under foreign rule on that Issue Pak boasted about the fairness support of the elections, but the ground realities revealed that the election was brazenly rigged totally, resulting in massive round of protests. The people were out in the street demonstrating against the blatant manner in which the army and its other forces who had been given responsibility to maintain the security, assisted the government agencies of carrying out the rigging. The people after the results took street march in vast numbers, shouting slogans against the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief and its Government as well as its infamous inter-service intelligence Agency for rigging. With the result of that, its army moved and ruthlessly crushed to subdue the agitated people, stiffen by the authorities concerned had kept away the media to flash the news of spilling of bloodshed. In that holocaust Pak government proclaimed that no body or political party in Pak shall be permitted to propagate against it, or take part in prejudicial activities or detrimental to the ideology of the State, Accession to Pakistan, besides the all office bearers and so called elected members including that "I will remain loyal to the country and the cause of Accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan with the swear that Kashmir will become Pakistan". It is shocking that the anti-national elements working in the valley at the behest of Pakistan have no initiative to support their brethren whose political rights have been blatantly trembled upon. It is a gross human right violation which needs serious consideration for the international community, especially the UNO in view of the justice of humanity. Protests reports reveal through media time to time that the life of the people of PoK is miserable because of the terror camps, and their terror infrastructure established by so called PoK Government to train the terrorists for bleeding India that severely affected their lives. They demanded that Government should immediately take steps to dismantal terror infrastructures. They further stressed that unless these terrorists along with their shelters were not wiped out completely, the revolt would continue from their soil. Their immediate and urgent desire was to end their instability of life in order to control the deterioration of economical condition as well as to stop the growing unrest among the masses. There again these enslaved people protested to stop the alleging inhuman atrocities committed by the Pak army. Their lamenting voice was responded by the US State Department, which expressed serious concern over human rights violations and informed that they had also concern about the human rights situation and they obviously had concerned always that all parties in Pakistan to work out their differences peaceably and through valid political process, said spokes person Mark Tonor appeared in media dated 7th October 2016. Similarly, the then defence Minister India, Arun Jaitley, assured in an interview with news channel Washington (USA), that Pakistan had linked with every terrorist incident in the world and India successfully exposed Pak`s double role on terror using it as an instrument of its foreign policy and also playing its so called victim. He further informed that India`s diplomatic offensive to isolate Pakistan have born fruits to leave left alone in the south Asian region. Its terrorism as an instrument of State policy was used and every terror incident anywhere in the world had Pak foot print around it, then brand Pakistan really identifies itself with global terror country. He further said that terrorist had come from the soil of Pakistan and belonged to the JeM outfit. Pak had playing terror victimhood to hoodwink the world but could no longer did that because its creditability had taken a hit after India expressed Pak double peak on terrorism. In view of all contrarian noises that they made, that Pak was a victim etc, clearly had established that the world was not willing to listen to them, because a very low credibility and a low track record so far as these matters were concerned appeared in the media dated 8th October 2016. The people of Pak occupied a part of Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir appealed to the world, especially Government of India, to come for rescue them from the Pak yoke who were demanding freedom from Pakistan for going to their home land. The protests were spontaneous and expression of disgust and anger over the atrocities committed on them by the Pak Government, along with people of Gilgit Agency occupied part of the Indian J&K State has also revolted against its cruelties, repression, and exploitation. They expressed their anger against massive presence of Chinese in their region to shatter their social system. They said that India was well within its legal right to provide full support because of they belong to Indian nation. Pak has exposed globally for their committing barbaric atrocities on these mum people. There the people of Shia beliefs are killed and invited other Punjabi Muslims to settle there to change the entire demography. In fact not only in one part but in the whole of its country including Indian State occupied territories the Hindu ladies are abducted through flexing their muscles whose so ever wish for willing to satiate his sexual desire and confined her till she agrees to marry with him. In other technique, these ladies are converted in Islam frequently under the nose of its Government, appeared in the media dated 17th August 2017. The frustrating Pakistan having failed to achieve its goal to corner India through its extreming terrorism started in the name of its misusing religion to shatter it, played the victim card against India to defame it internationally. Pak rebattle counter infiltration grid on the LoC had failed the nefarious designs of terror Pakistan to dispatch more dreadful terrorists into the State to bleed it. The time has proved that Pak is a failed State and is unfit to rule its nation, because of Pak despite assurance and commitments to stop the terrorists from its soil for carrying out their terror activities. It is a fountainhead of terrorism. It blames India for all odds for hiding its snubbing activities of its tyrannical rule in the country, especially in Baluchistan. It is known to the world that it has left no stone unturned to foment trouble in India, especially in its state and made abortive attempts to grab its State, Pak sponsored terrorists cross the LoC to carry out major attacks in the Indian State and bleed it in every possible way. Pak has developed a habit of unleashing baseless, misleading propaganda against India in any forum internationally. It always tries to hide behind their failures. It is a well established fact that terrorists are ruling the roost and calling the shots as they have no fear of anybody. These, the same Pak groomed terrorists target who so ever like, have trained their guns towards their own country and are threatening the very existence of it. On the issue of Pak terrorism to bleed India Gambhler, Secretary at the Indian mission in US asserted in her statement appeared in the media dated 23rd September 2016 that the Pakistan is a host to league of terrorism. It channelized billion of dollars diverted for training, financing and supporting terrorist groups to develop their terror infrastructure to bleed India, Afghanistan and Baluchistan. That Indian rebuttal was not possible for Pakistan and its Prime minister chanted old song for out dated plebiscite which was already rejected by it, owing to non fulfilling of the obligation of the UN resolution. It is now not possible in the light of enormous political changes and developments since plebiscite proposal had presented to Pakistan. Whether it is now possible for Pakistan to provide the political status of 1947 to implement the resolution and is competent to take back the state territory from China on its own risk, transacted without taking UN authorities into its confidence. Pak is a guardian of the status quo occupied Indian J&K State territory which is supposed to keep it intact but it ignored the UN authorities and future serious consequences. It was under obligation to decide the issue in consultation with India and UN authorities. It is well needed to castigate that the out dated impracticable demand should not be respected again and again. She further admonished that many terror organizations raise funds for flagrant violation of Pak`s international obligations. India and others in the region are suffering from Pak-long standing policy of sponsoring terrorism. The consequences of which have spread well beyond their region. She further said in her declamatory exposed speech against Pakistan that the long tirade on the situation in J&K State had not yielded any favorable results for it. The worst violation of human rights was terrorism, when practiced as an instrument of state policy, it was a war crime. No doubt, that terrorist and their supportable sympathizes are unbridle rooming in Pakistan and conducting their terror operations with its Government support are the ground facts, in a reference to JeM, terrorists Moulana Masood Azhar and Bombay terror attack mastermind Zaki-ul-Rehman Lakhvi. She further in loud voice asserted about the 9/11, attack, which reference did not miss from the memory of mind of the world leaders. That the trail of that dastardly attack led all the way to abottabad in Pakistan. India blamed Pak for the recent terrorists attack in Uri (J&K) where 18 soldiers were suddenly killed. At the UN, the Pakistan dodged all question on the attack. In the last it termed Pak a democracy deficit country. It extended support to extremist groups and it oppressed minorities and women. In the light of Enan Gumbhir assertion on the issue, Pak human rights violation in UN dated September 2016 was the befitting reply, which stripped Pak Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in the world on his baseless blames against India on human rights violations, so Pak Prime Minister should go down to feel shame and avoided groundless misleading propaganda against India, which lowered Pak dignity world over. The gold plated Pak-factious, anti-India human rights violations roar, with the reference of the trait of that dastardly attack led by all the way to abottabad, where in 18-soldiers were killed brutally. The US former Envoy to India Timothy Roemer exposed fearlessly Pak barbarities committed on the enslave people of PoK, Gilgit Agency and PoK Baluchistan, which was reflected in the joint statement with the two US India democracies deciding jointly act against the safe heavens of terror groups like LeT, JeM and Haqqaninet work appeared in the media dated 23rd September 2016. The world hates Pakistan for supporting terrorism, which has been condemned by the world powers. The Pakistan has lowered its political status due to false propaganda against India and no governments of the world big or small rely upon it. Pakistan month long efforts to internationalise the Kashmir issue from de-nove, which had already settled long ago through accession to India, recognized by the world powers, especially UNO which admitted the Pak aggressor and committed bloodshed and occupied the part of Indian State, which is lying to be surrendered, on what ground the UN would go to open the settled issue. Pakistan is not responsible nation and failed country. It gets oxygen from other country for its existence at the cost of Indian sovereignty and depends on loot, Plunder and grabbing. The India said in the UN General Assembly that what was finding resonance among the international community, was the terror threat that India was facing and not what Pak focused on its speech on the same issue of Kashmir. There house noted that if 131 leaders of the nations had delivered their speeches out of that 130 leaders of the nations did not referred to the primary issue that Pak had raised which reflected. They were not interested about that issue, raised by the Pak Prime Minister Nawaz Sharid. There 90% leader of the nations had stressed that terrorism was a primary concern for them, adding that India was gratified by the support which was getting from the countries, increasingly standing up and voicing their support to deal with the menace terrorism. In that UN General Assembly, Foreign minister India gave responded jokingly of Pak-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif speech delivered in the UN General Assembly held in September 2016, in which he chanted his old sermon of Kashmir, which was taken in view by India, which termed Pakistan, home to the Ivy league of terrorism, and terrorist State that committed war crimes by using terrorism as an instrument of its State policy, with growing call among the international community to put in place a stronger mechanism to combat terrorism. On the other side, , a roaring protests erupted in PoK, that their life had become living hell, because of terror camps supported by Pak Government, which affected securely their life and demanded to take affective steps to destroy their terror camps. The protesters warned to the Government that unless these terrorists were not wiped out completely from their soil and not eliminated and stop to provide within their houses, the problem would not be resolved. The same disturbing voices were raised from the people of Gilgit Agency. Their street level protests cry alleging atrocities by the Pak army and its allied agency, crossed the Pak territory. With the result of that the U S State department expressed concern over human rights violations. It said that they had concern about the human rights situation and watched closely said the spokes person Mark Toner, appeared in the media dated 7th October 2016. It is very strange that on which bases, Pak boasts to counter itself on its own for its neat and clean good governance on the issue of human rights of its country while there Muslim is killed to Muslim in the influences of faith. There ladies of minorities people, especially belonging to Hindu community are abducted with the support of Government and converted them forcibly into Islam religion to marry, with them under the nose of Government agency concerned and their male members are compelled for menial work of their domestic works, treated them as untouchables. Their poor living standard, economical condition, bunned educational awareness are remembered of Stone Age civilization. In fact, not only in one part but in the whole of its country including Indian state occupied territory, the Hindu ladies are abducted through flexing their muscles who so ever wish, willing to satiate his sexual desire and confined her till she agrees to marry with him. In other technique these ladies are converted in Islam frequently under the nose of its Government. appeared in the media, dated 17th August 2017. Under that backwardness and religious based communalism it brags for its developing country, which is mockery and shameless affectation, Pak should first probe the ground realities of the Dark Age backwardness of the enslaved people of PoK including Gilgit Agency and Pak occupied Baluchistan along with Kalat, how their natural resources are being looted ruthlessly. In the light of that suppressing inhuman miseries and brutal atrocities are committed by Pak despotic rulers, which are beyond narration. The slamming Pak for the atrocities committed by the Pak forces on locals, Khan, a popular leader cried loudly that the political parties of the country was needed to end the terror drama, surrender the Indian occupied territory which was not a part of Pakistan did not come in partition plan, he admonished Pakistan on the issue of frequent loot and exploitation being done by its leaders was needed to be stopped. Besides that Taifoor Akbar, a political leader castigated to Pakistan to term the people of PoK and Gilgit Agency as tractors regulate their abduction and thrown in Jail under the whimsical plea of National Action Plan. Apart from that, Balouch human rights organization chairperson Bibi Gul balouch had claimed that at least 113-mutilated bodies were found dumped across Baluchistan in last year i.e 2016. The revealing details of the annual report completed by the BHRO, at Press Conference at Karachi Press Club, Gul Balouch revealed that during 2016, scores of military operations were carried out in the provinces insurgency hit South Western Parts and that 32-people had gone missing after being arrested by the; law enforcement agencies, appeared in the media dated 13th August 2017. The UNO must go to constitute a high-power commission to investigate in-human miserable condition of these enslaved people for the information of international committee to strip before the world. It would be a great boon for humanity. On the other side, Iranian Border guards opened fire along the Baluchistan region of Pakistan taking the Pak army by sudden to it kept a section of Pak army engaged on the Western border on the fateful night, where in Pak also upgraded deployment of forces its Western border. The mortar Shells fired by Iranian Border guards, which developed panic among the people. It was very amazing that there too Pakistan passed its committing the killing of the utmost backward region of Baluchistan. No doubt there Pak had a long border with Iran and mutual skirmish was continued on the issue of Sunni-Shia faith, where Iranian army had accused Pak of letting terror out-fits use its territory to carry out strikes. There Pak daily violations were committed aggressively. On the same sequence the Finance and Defence Ministers India, who were in Washington (USA) to attend the world summit world bank meeting admonished Pakistan regarding India diplomatic offensive to isolate, it had born fruits with it left alone in the South Asia region, that was playing terror victimhood to hoodwink the world but could no longer do that because its credibility had taken a hit after India exposed its double speak over terrorism. They further accused Pakistan that if used terrorism as an instrument of State policy and every terrorist incident anywhere in the world had Pak foot-print around it then brand it really indented itself with global terror. They further asserted that the world did not willing to listen to them because of a very low credibility and a low track record as for as those matters were concerned, appeared in the media on 18th October 2016. Apart from that Naela Quadri, President World Balouch Forum, appraised lamantly world community through her Clarian call, about the brutal human rights atrocities committed on their Balouch people. Their independence struggle for the liberation from the Pak yoke is crushed like a wrong word. They assembled for demonstration for their demand but in return they were roasted with shots of cannon fire and blown up with return flesh piece of their bodies for the sweet taste of birds and animals which was the one of horrific treatment of the Pak forces for their unarmed civilians. She informed that Pak had used chemical weapons against them and abducted their young ladies and killed their children which was its heart breaking incidents. The world leaders and social activists had been observing as the spectators of Pak bloody scene. The villages of the country were converted into grave yards but no pathetic voice was heard from the big powers of the world, which frustrated and sent the message that there was no body to save them from the cruel hands of Pakistan. She thanked the Prime Minister India, Narindra Modi to listen their lamentable voice to save them from the clutches of Pak atrocious, killings and assured for his moral support to their movement. She further disclosed that the atrocities had increased after the entry of China in their territory. She tried to focus the UN attention towards their political liquidating situation for not taking any impressive positive steps when her Baluch people were being invaded, looted and abducting which lost faith appeared in the media on 22nd November 2016. to be continued..... |
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