Patwari took Rs 50,000 bribe, provided incorrect documents, alleges Sunderbani man | | | Ankit Kessar
Early Times Report
Sunderbani, Mar 18: The Revenue Department Sunderbani is in the news for wrong reasons again. This time an elderly man has accused Patwari of resorting to corrupt practices. The Patwari allegedly took bribe of Rs 50,000 from an elderly person for issuance of some revenue documents which were required for executing sale deed in connection with the purchase of land. The victim, Parmanand ,70, told Early Times that he had purchased a piece of land measuring 10 marlas from a person but to execute a sale deed three revenue decrements were required. “I approached the concerned Patwari for getting required documents including map, Khasra Girdawari and Jamabani for further process but Patwari didn’t cooperate and continued to harass me by giving petty excuses for five months. After getting fed up with his torture, I yielded before him and he demanded Rs 50,000 for these documents, which I paid to him but despite giving him the money he didn’t provide the correct documents,” he alleged. Parmanand said, “When I asked him to provide the correct documents, the Patwari refused to do so and asked me to do whatever I want.” He alleged that there is a nexus between agents and the revenue officials, who force the people to pay bribe for any official work. When Early Times contacted the Patwari, he denied allegations. DDC Rajouri, Nazir Ahmad Sheikh, said that he would initiate an inquiry in this matter and strict action will be taken if the Patwari is found guilty. |