New Delhi, April 17 Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Lav Aggarwal said on Friday that India has witnessed an improvement in doubling rate this past week. This is the number of days it takes for the confirmed cases of infection to double.
"6.2 is the doubling rate for the last seven days," Lav Aggarwal says referring to the national average. He also said that the doubling rate in as many as 19 states and Union Territories across India is even lesser than the national average. These are Kerala, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Bihar, Odisha, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, and Tripura.
The doubling rate (national average) earlier was three days, Lav Aggarwal said while adding that a decline in the death rate is also visible. "At present, India's death rate is stable at 3.3 per cent," Aggarwal told media outlets. In comparison, the death rate is lower than most European countries such as Spain (9.73 per cent), Italy (12.72 per cent), and UK (over 12 per cent).
In addition, the joint secretary for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare also revealed that the rate of recovery of Covid-19 patients in India is improving each day. While the rate of recovery was 11.41 per cent on Wednesday, it rose to 12.02 per cent on Thursday and climbed even further to 13.06 per cent on Friday. "In the last 24 hours, 260 patients have been cured of coronavirus and discharged from hospitals across the country. This is the highest figure of recovery till now," Lav Aggarwal said. |