SRINAGAR, Aug 9: There has been a 50 per cent decline in incidents of security forces killed in Jammu & Kashmir during operations this year so far compared to last year’s corresponding period, data has revealed. As per the data compiled by the Jammu & Kashmir Police, a total of 36 security personnel were killed this year between January and July while the number was 76 last year during the same period. However, the data said, injuries to security forces have increased this year. A total of 138 security force personnel were injured this year so far compared to last year’s 107 cases during January to July, the data says, adding the number was more than 3,300 during the Burhan Wani incident in 2016. More than 3,300 security personnel from Jammu & Kashmir Police and central paramilitary forces were injured while maintaining law and order in the valley in over 1,000 violent incidents in Kashmir since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen Commander Burhan Wani in an encounter with security forces on July 8, 2016, the J&K Police said. As per the data, overall law and order incidents have also declined to 102 this year compared to last year’s 389 cases during January to July. There is 73 per cent decline this year compared to last year. The data further reveals that the J&K Police has so far registered 261 FIRs under UAPA and arrested 444 people. Last year, the data says, 395 cases under UAPA were registered and 849 people were arrested. In terms of law and order incidents, following the abrogation of Article 370, incidents in Jammu & Kashmir below 50 per cent, says the data, adding it was not even 8 per cent in terms of violence.