New Delhi: India's novel coronavirus tally crossed the 22-lakh mark on Monday with 62,064 new cases in the last 24 hours. The death toll climbed to 44,386 with 1,007 more fatalities, the Health Ministry data said.
The recoveries surged to 15,35,743 with a record 54,859 more people recuperating in the past 24 hours, taking the recovery rate to 69.33 percent. The case fatality rate has dropped to about 2 percent, the ministry said.
Taking to Twitter, the Union Health Ministry informed that India`s COVID-19 recoveries cross the historic peak of 1.5 million and the infection is now concentrated in 10 States that contribute more than 80 per cent of the new cases.
"India`s #COVID19 recoveries cross the historic peak of 1.5 million. Recovery of more than 15 lakh has been made possible because of the policy of TESTING aggressively, TRACKING comprehensively & TREATING efficiently. Better ambulance services, focus on Standard of Care & use of non-invasive oxygen have given desired results," MoHFW tweeted.
There are 6,34,945 active cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The total coronavirus cases now stands at 22,15,074, including 44,386 deaths, according to the ministry data.
This is the fourth consecutive day that the COVID-19 cases have increased by more than 60,000. |