JAMMU, Oct 7: Principal Sessions Judge Ramban Kishore Kumar rejected the bail application of Bahar Ahmed Age 34 years, son of Sonaullah Dar of Darpora Banihal who was involved in illegal possession and transportation of the narcotics (1 Kg 700 grams of charas) which affects the society at large. Principal Sessions Judge Ramban Kishore Kumar observed that keeping in view the enactment of the NDPS Act is to curb the ever increasing menace of drug peddling and illegal possession, sale and its ramification on the society and the youth in particular and cause for increase in the crime rate, nature and seriousness of accusation against the applicant, the character of evidence, circumstances which are peculiar to the accused, the larger interest of the society and State, I am of the view that no good ground is made out by the petitioner for enlarging him on bail. With these observations Court rejected the bail application. JNF