JAMMU, Nov 2: Special Judge CBI Rajesh Sekri rejected the bail application of Shadab Chowdary, son of Wazir Hussain of Panjgrain, Manjakot presently posted as Junior Assistant, Consumer and Public Distribution, Tehsil Supply Officer, Manjakote who was caught red-handed by the CBI while accepting bribe money. Germane of the events leading to the arrest of the accused/applicant as elucidated from the report/objections filed by the prosecution is that the present case RC0042020A0007, for the commission of offence punishable under section 7 of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act), was registered against the applicant on 20.10.2020, on the basis of complaint lodged by Wasim Akram Chowdary. It was alleged by the complainant that his father, Mohd Akram Chowdary is working as a Ration Dealer under Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution at village Dehri Ralyote, Tehsil Manjakote, District Rajouri, J&K. It is alleged that said Mohd Akram gets carriage and commission from the department of CAPD on the basis of quantity of ration received. He had submitted carriage and commission bills amounting to Rs 1.21 lakh to the applicant, Junior Assistant/Control Clerk, who processed the same and recommended for payment to the TSO, who in turn recommended for payment to Assistant Director and the Assistant Director passed the bills. As a result, part payment of Rs 75,419 was received by Mohd Akram on 12.10.2020 in his bank account. It is alleged that the applicant/accused demanded a bribe of Rs 22,500 from Mohd Akram, as commission @ 30 % of Rs 75,419, however, the complainant refused to succumb to the illegal demand of the accused and preferred to lodge complaint to SP, CBI, ACB, Jammu. Verification regarding genuineness of the complaint and recording of conversation between the applicant/accused and the complainant and his father, regarding demand and acceptance of bribe, prima facie disclosed the commission of offence punishable under section 7 of the PC Act by the accused. Consequently a trap was laid by the CBI and the accused was caught red handed on 22.10.2020, while demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 22,500 from the complainant's father Sh. Mohd Akram. Special Judge CBI Rajesh Sekri while rejecting the bail application observed that the corruption related cases have shown an alarming surge from the past many years with this part of the country emerging as a breeding ground entrapped in the tentacles of this scorn. It may seem to be an ordinary crime but there is no denying the fact that the money generated from it, finds its use in financing the acts inimical to the stability of the nation. The offence committed by the accused, in the instant case, is highly pernicious with unpropitious ramifications on the society. Duty of the court in such type of cases becomes more pronounced. There is cogent material available on record regarding prima facie culpability of the accused in offence u/s 7 of the P.C Act, punishable with imprisonment upto seven years, but not less than three years. (JNF) |