IPL: J&K Police launches crackdown against bookies in Jammu, Katra | | | Early Times Report JAMMU, Nov 8: In view of ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL), Police on Sunday launched a crackdown against the bookies in Jammu district and the Katra town of Reasi district. Police sources here said that during several raids conducted at various hideouts, one person was arrested but others managed to escape. "Some incriminating material, laptops and registers have been seized from spots," sources said and added that a manhunt is launched to nab the absconders. Meanwhile one person was also arrested from Katra town on a complaint lodged against him for his involvement in IPL crickets betting and cheating people. "He used to cheat the applicant and looted some cash and some articles just like LED, blanket," police added. Three mobiles phones, a register and a diary were seized from his possession while a case has been registered and investigation started.