Early Times Report srinagar, Dec 5: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday filed the charge sheet against six accused persons in Handwara Narco-Terrorism case in the NIA special court in Jammu. In a statement issued, NIA said that the charge sheet was filed against the six accused persons in case RC-03/2020/NIA/JMU under sections 8, 21, 25 and 29 of NDPS Act, 1985, section 120B of IPC and sections 17, 38 and 40 of UA (P) Act, 1967. According to the statement, the case pertains to the seizure of 21 Kg Narcotics (Heroin) and Rs 1. 35 crore cash amount from the accused persons in Handwara district. The charge sheet, as per the statement, has been filed against Abdul Momin Peer alias Peerzada Momen, Islam-ul-Haq Peer- both residents of Waskhura, Handwara, Syed Iftikhar Andrabi, Saleem Andrabi- both residents of Laribal, Handwara, Afaq Ahmad Wani, a resident of Maratgam, Handwara and Muneer Ahmad Banday alias Ishfaq, a resident of Banday Mohalla, Handwara. As per the statement, Saleem Andrabi and Muneer Bandey, who are involved in the cases are still absconding while 4 accused have been already arrested, "The case arose out of PS Handwara case no. 183/2020 dated 11.06.2020 wherein during checking of vehicles at Kairo Bridge, Handwara accused Abdul Momin Peer's Creta vehicle was intercepted by the Police Naka Party. The vehicle was searched and a cash amount of Rs 20,01,000 and 2 kg Heroin was seized," the statement reads. It further reads that Abdul Momin Peer was arrested and following his disclosure, accused Syed Iftikar Andrabi and Islam-Ul-Haq Peer were also arrested. "The case was re-registered by NIA as RC-03/2020/NIA/DLI on 23.06.2020 and investigation was taken up. Accused Afaq Ahmad Wani, who was on the run, was arrested by NIA on 16.07.2020 based on technical analysis." The statement further reads that the investigation revealed that accused persons including Abdul Momin Peer and Saleem Andrabi were involved in cross-border smuggling and supply of Narcotic drug Heroin in Jammu and Kashmir and other parts of the country after procuring the same from their associates based abroad including Pakistan. "Accused Iftikhar Andrabi and Abdul Momin Peer visited Pakistan several times during 2016-17 to meet the operatives of terrorist organisations Lashkar-E-Taiba (LeT) and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen(HM). The amount generated from the sale of Heroin was pumped by the accused to further the terrorist activities of Lashkar-E-Taiba (LeT). Further investigation in the case is going on," the statement reads. |