rajesh tandon Early Times Report POONCH, Dec 5: A patwari in Mendhar tehsil of Poonch district has allegedly felicitated illegal construction on the encroached land. An audio message that has gone viral reveals that the alleged revenue official admits that he had asked the encroacher to carry out illegal construction before the action is taken. The entire matter was brought fore by a local social activist Zafar Iqbal, who had spotted the encroachment. He had immediately approached the concerned tehsildar, who instructed the naib tehsildar and patwari to look into the matter and act accordingly. "But instead of taking action against the accused, the patwari informed the accused which led to the structure being completed forthwith. After I saw that the structure has been completed, I immediately called the patwari to know how these people came to know that action is going be taken against them," said, Zafar Iqbal. He alleged, "It was the patwari, who informed the other party about the matter and instructed them to complete the work soon before any action is initiated." Iqbal said, "Recording of entire conversation between the party and the Patwari reveals it all." When the Early Times contacted the Tehsildar Mendhar, he said that he has no idea about any audio clip but he would verify the matter and action will be taken accordingly. |