Do fake bills, fictitious payment era over? | ‘100 percent physical verification of projects, works mandatory’ | | AVINASH AZAD
JAMMU, Feb 20: Bringing much needed reforms to end the tradition of payments on the bases of fake and fictitious bills, which caused huge loss to the state exchequer, Government has recently ordered 100 percent physical verification of works and projects under execution in all the districts of Union Territory of J&K. Not only this but, while conducting physical verification, the teams would also note down the comment of local people, to prevent pilferage of public money and use of substandard materials in the works and project. Sources informed Early Times, that the decision was taken during the Development Expenditure Division (DED-I) meeting chaired by the Financial Commissioner, Finance Department Dr Arun Kumar Mehta. “Chairing the meeting Dr Mehta reviewed 100 percent Physical verification of projects/ works under execution in the Districts, as per the mandate of Govt. Order No.: 468-FDof 2019 dated: 22-11-2019”, copy of minutes of the meeting held at Civil Secretariat on February 17 read. “100 percent physical verification of the works /projects being implemented under various schemes, Regional Director, Evaluation & Statistics, Jammu/ Kashmir should be ensured. The teams would avoid comments of technical nature unless the team is accompanied by a technical member”, it further revealed. “Dr Arun further said while conducting physical verification of the projects, the comments of the locals shall also be obtained. The Regional Director, Evaluation & Statistics, Jammu Kashmir should be provided access to BEAMS immediately for obtaining the data of projects/ works from BEAMS”, the minutes of meeting divulged. The officers were also directed that major discrepancies noticed during the physical verification should be brought into the notice of the Finance Department, DED-I for District sector projects and DED-II for State sector projects, immediately for action in a time bound manner. “The Regional Directors shall submit a list of projects from each district for higher level examination”, they said. Though time and again the governments in the past had introduced new policies to curb unabated corruption, but could not yield the desired results, this move of the government would certainly achieve the target. |