JAMMU, Mar 2: Nat Manch perfomed Tarun Sharma's Nukkad Natak "Bolo Ban Plastic" as the part of its ongoing Tuesday series at Government College for Women, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu to raise awareness among the students and the faculty. The Nukkad Natak was written and directed by Tarun Sharma. The guests present on the occasion were Chairman Swachh Bharat Committee Yash Paul Sharma, secretary JMC Tinna Mahajan, Councilor of Ward 21 Gandhi Nagar, Bhanu Mahajan, Sangita Nagari, Principal GCW Gandhi Nagar, RJ Juhie , RJ Vikrant and Nodal Officer. Nat Manch presented the informative play in which hazards of plastic were highlighted that Single Use Plastic has been banned across the country and appealed the people to switchover to reusable and eco-friendly alternatives. The play stressed on the need for making more efforts for lessening air pollution level and ecological balance.They very efficiently pointed out the problems caused by the use of plastic which was aimed at creating awareness on discarding polythene due to threat it poses to environment . Chairman Swachh Bharat Committee Yash Paul Sharma appreciated the hard work of Nat Manch. He said that it is a good initiative for the environment conversation. He asked everyone to quit poly bags from daily use and start using alternative materials in place of them. |