JAMMU, Mar 2: Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) announced the team of M.A.M PG College for the session 2021-2022 in which Anand Singh was announced as President and Praduman Dhar as Secretary. Shivam Singh, Nikhil, Lovemeet, Aryan Billa were declared as vice-presidents of the college while Preetam, Mohit, Aryan Kumar and Ashish were given responsibilities as Joint Secretaries. Jagpreet will be SFD incharge, Yuvraj as SFD Co-incharge, Gazala Khan as Girls Incharge and Tarun as SFS Incharge. Sharad, Nitin, Owais, Rithik, Umesh, Madhu, Parasa, Shruti, Sneha, Fradia, Sahil Gandhi, Karan Rajput, Tarun Amandeep, Asif, Arun, Ankit and many more have been nominated as executive members of the college unit. |