SRINAGAR, Mar 2: The J&K High Court Srinagar Wing has quashed the detention under PSA of Showkat Ahamd Bhat son of Ghulam Hassan Bhat resident of Wahibugh Pulwama, District Pulwama. Justice Ali Mohammad Magrey while quashing the the detention order No. 26/DMP/PSA/20 dated 09.09.2020, passed by District Magistrate Pulwama observed that settled position of law and perusal of record, the detenu was not supplied the materials relied upon by the detaining authority. The detenue was provided material in the shape of grounds of detention with no other material / documents, as referred to in the order of detention. On these counts alone, in view of the above settled position of law, the detention of the detenu is vitiated, the detenu having been prevented from making an effective and purposeful representation against the order of detention by not providing the sufficient material. JNF |