Early Times Report
Akhnoor, Apr 16: To commemorate the 130th Birth Anniversary of Dr. BR Ambedkar, Govt Degree College Akhnoor today organized a seminar on the theme "Dr. Ambedkar's contribution towards Indian Society and Politics" in which staff and students of the college participated and presented papers to eulogize the substantial contribution made by Dr. Ambedkar. In this occasion, Dr. Namrata, Principal of the College was the Chief Guest under whose guidance the whole event took place in a simple, but impressive manner. The seminar began with a introductory speech by Rashmi Sharma, Assistant Professor in Political Science, GDC Akhnoor. It was followed by the papers presentation by students. Ten students presented their papers and impressed upon the imperative need to imbibe and follow the ideals and principles of Dr. Ambedkar. Earlier Principal, Dr. Namrata, while speaking on the occasion, gave brief about the tremendous work done and precious contribution made by Dr. Ambedkar, who was the maker of Indian Constitution The seminar ended with vote of thanks capping up message of Dr. Ambedkar by Dr. Piyush Kant Sharma, Assistant Professor in Political Science, GDC Akhnoor.