JAMMU, May 18: Justice Sanjeev Kumar rejected the bail application of one Abdul Majid in NDPS. According to the case that on 28.04.2019 police was performing naka duty near Shaan Palace, Ramban. During checking of the vehicles at the naka at about 6.40 pm, a Santro car bearing registration No.DL4CND-7336, which was on its way from Srinagar towards Jammu was stopped. The car was being driven by co-accused Mohd Qasim R/o Mumbai, Maharashtra. While checking the said vehicle, a plastic bag containing 101 balls of charas like substance weighing approximately 10-12 kilogram was recovered from the vehicle. Accordingly, the police at the naka point swung into action and forwarded a docket to the police station and FIR No.90/2019 under Sections 8/20/29 NDPS Act was registered at Police Station, Ramban and the investigation taken up by Inspector Vijay Kotwal, the then SHO, Police Station, Ramban. Justice Sanjeev Kumar observed that in the instant case, the police has made an effort and traced out the source from where the contraband has emanated, though it has not been able to trace out the person whom the seized contraband item was meant for. Aside from that, looking to the background of the petitioner, who is claimed to be a kingpin indulging in selling the narcotic drugs to drivers, conductors and youth in the area, there is every likelihood that petitioner, if released on bail, may commit the same offence yet again. With these observations High Court rejected the bail application. JNF |