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Yoga to Beat Coronavirus | | | Omkar Dattatray
It is a well established fact that the practice of yoga is very helpful in combating the hydra headed giant of coronavirus. The yogic exercises are not only recommended by the advocates of the Hindu philosophy only but the modern scientists and doctors also vouch for the yoga to supplement the modern medicines to keep people healthy. Thus for the physical, mental and psychological health the yoga is very necessary.The practice of yoga is recommended by the United Nations also as it has got the approval of world body. Twenty first of June every year is celebrated as the international day of yoga. In fact when the country is threatened by the deadly virus of covid-19, the practice of the yogic exercises is very useful and it helps in the development of the much needed immunity to fight back the disease. Therefore the practice of yoga will go a long way to fight the coronavirus. Thus not only the yogic guru Ramdav only recommends the yogic exercises for combating the covid-19 but the doctors also recommend the practice of different yogic exercises for combating the virus which is threatening not only India but the whole world. Thus regular yogic exercises help a lot in the containment of the coronavirus. So people should perform the yogic exercises to fight back the deadly virus. Thus the happy blend of the yogic exercises and the modern medicines will go a long way to fight the virus which is threatening and staring us in the face. So the breathing exercises of Paranayama and Kapalbati will help a lot in combating the disease and all people irrespective of age and sex can practice yoga to keep themselves healthy not only physically but mentally too. Yoga is advocated for all for building the strong immunity and those having the strong immunity cannot fall prey to the deadly virus. Yoga is the contribution of India to the world and today all the countries of the world favour the yoga to for health. The yoga and Ayurveda can help a lot in the combating coronavirus. Now irrespective of the religion yoga is recommended for all to keep healthy and fit. Modern medicines alone cannot fight the coronavirus but it is the blend of the modern medicine and the yoga and Ayurveda which can cure the covid positive patients .Therefore all should practice yoga for physical,mental and emotional fitness. It is only the physically strong and mentally fit people who can have strong immunity which can help in the curing of the covid positive patients. So yoga for all should be the modern watchword which can help in the containment of the covid-19. Thus modern medicine should be coupled with the yoga to cure the society from the monster of coronavirus. Day in and day out the doctors of AIIMS recommend the breathing and other yogic exercises for strong immunity and those who have strong immunity are not susceptible to the coronavirus. Yogic exercises are a free medicine to cure us of the virus as it does not cost us anything to practice the yoga. So yoga is a free tool to fight the covid-19 and as such all the people should practice yoga for keeping healthy and wealthy as it is the healthy man who is wealthy also because health is the greatest wealth and so all of us should practice yoga for sound health .Thus a strong man is not invaded by the disease because of the strong immunity and therefore all of us should perform yogic exercises to keep healthy and a healthy man if falls ill will be cured swiftly and so yoga is prescribed for all irrespective of the economic status as it costs nothing to practice yoga. Therefore happy blend of modern medicine and yoga as well as the Ayurveda is recommended for the curing of the deadly disease. It follows that all should practice yoga as it costs nothing and it has no side effects like Ayurvedic medicines .In fact the people should perform yogic exercises to combat the coronavirus as it is a precious tool in the hands of the people and is cost free but very much needed for the containment of the coronavirus. Like the vaccination, the yogic exercise has the effect of strong immunity and therefore is recommended for all. Anyway we should exercise yoga to combat the coronavirus. So what is needed is the happy blend of modern medicine, the yoga and Ayurveda to keep the covid away. |
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