JAMMU, Sept 7: Based on credible inputs, District Police Rajouri and the Indian Army launched a search operation at village Saryah today. During the search, 2 bags were detected from which currency notes amounting to INR 1, 64,70, 600 were recovered. On enquiry, it was found that the bags belonged to one person named Manzoor Ahmad, S/O Gulzar Hussain, R/o Saryah, who is presently evading arrest. The said person is related to one Sikandar, R/o Saryah, who was recently arrested by a joint team of Punjab Police and JKP in FIR No 164/2021 of PS Kathu Nangal (Punjab). The amount was seized in the presence of a magistrate and FIR NO 184/2021 US 17, 21 UAP Act, 1967 has been lodged in Police Station Nowshera and investigation has been taken up. Further arrests expected. |