agencies NEW DELHI, Mar 23: Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Wednesday said 1.49 lakh entry-level posts are currently lying vacant in the Indian Railways. Among all the zones, the Northern Railways has the maximum number of vacancies (19,183) at entry-level posts, he said in a written reply in Lok Sabha. South Central zone of the Indian Railways is at number two position with 17,022 entry-level posts lying vacant, he noted. In December last year, the national transporter had to suspend its NTPC and Level 1 tests after violent protests by job aspirants over the selection process of its recruitment exams. The recruitment drive for the Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPCs) for 35,281 vacant posts in various categories, ranging from junior clerk, train assistant, guard, time-keeper to station master, was at the centre of widespread protests in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. The aspirants alleged that while over 7 lakh "applications" were shortlisted, the actual number of candidates was around 3.84 lakh as the same person might have been shortlisted for more than one post. |