agencies LUCKNOW, Apr 1: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed the state police to run a special campaign for the safety of girls and activate anti-Romeo squads from Saturday, the first day of Navratras, a senior official said. Additional Chief Secretary (information) Navneet Sehgal on Friday said the Mission Shakti will also start on April 10. Anti-Romeo squads were formed soon after Yogi Adityanath assumed the office of the chief minister in Uttar Pradesh in 2017. Dressed in plain clothes, sleuths are generally deployed at public places like colleges, shopping malls, markets, parks, bus stands, railway stations and schools to "protect" women. The Mission Shakti focuses on ensuring the safety and dignity of women and girls. Sehgal said, "From the first day of Navratras, the Police Department will start a special campaign pertaining to women's safety. Anti-Romeo squads will be activated near schools and colleges." "In the evening, police will undertake patrolling in busy markets and crowded places," he added, stressing that the Mission Shakti will begin on April 10. Meanwhile, an official spokesperson said the chief minister has directed the state's Home Department to expedite fixing priorities for the government's 100-day plan.