Realme GT 2 Pro along Launched in India with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1,Starts at Rs 49,999 | | | Early Times Report JAMMU, Apr 11: Realme, India's fastest growing technology brand, today introduced its latest, cutting-edge smartphones - realme GT 2 Pro, its most premium flagship ever and realme 9, the 108MP ProLight Camera Power Performer. The brand also unveiled new fascinating products under its TechLife Ecosystem offerings - realme Buds Air 3, realme Book Prime, and realme Smart TV Stick. Commenting on the occasion of the launch, Mr MadhavSheth, CEO, realme India, VP, realme and President, realme International Business Group said "Our goal is to provide consumers with a variety of innovative technology products to empower them in their everyday lives. With the GT series as the flagbearer, we approached 2022 with big, new objectives to expand realme's footprint in the customized, premium category. The overwhelming response from users for our launched GT series products has given us the confidence to invest in ground-breaking new technologies in the premium market, raising the bar on user experience. To genuinely enthrall the audience, we believe in advancements across all categories. As a result, realme 9, the newest member of the 9 series family, offers a segment-leading, powerful camera and is one of the first smartphones in the world to include the coveted Samsung ISOCELL HM6 Image Sensor, as well as sophisticated technology features to meet the needs of our users. " |