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Instead of jiggling statements let us be honest to public | | Zahoor Ragi | 2/4/2016 11:37:36 PM |
| Political leadership at the global level seems in decisive that shares violence and unpredictable future of the human services. Every action of political affairs has to be worth management of humanity, but global political warming creating the insecurity with the attitude of power generates lawlessness. Though instances of digital world of ours today has resulted into global change and the change being projected is purposeful, but human digitization of brains sums up with anxieties those shatter concluding part of history in dilemma. The dilemma of unlettered project that defines truthfulness of digital creation but leaves brains drained with stress, strain and distress leads towards unhealthy national interests. Turning digital is to own achievement in a beautified structure of realistic approach that enhances the colourful world and asks us to own global village of realism. The realism in fact has to be accountable within the souls those ejected the new age of digitization but it is far from common thought now not to speak of conscience. The turning points of history while scrolling information seems endless but digital age is the age that came into force after many efforts, but kept on draining the essence of calibers. The best opportunity for acquiring knowledge at the end of the day is to shine with digital essence where click results and preserves perceptional tendencies of communities' world over. Though it takes moments but patience of people at large has been varying with difference of opinion, age, passage of academic and behavioral energy, stress, distress and overall the calculating inhuman platform to revisit humanity. Any component of public at large if proposed for survey ends with a belief that untuned societies and communities are on rise having impact of political strategies those defame the original creative essence of souls at large. Political tunings are actually responsible tendencies of behaviour those enhance the human values but differentiation of manifestoes creates classes, groups and communities to grab power, the power of unjustified passion and facilities. Hyper reactions, untuned behavioral tendencies, unjustified versions of expressions, overwhelming confidential negligences, elicit and illogical propagation of anti-political events are some of the main issues which political representatives have to add and be among healthier politicians of world to count as human beings too. Human expressions within the societies or communities especially within public opinion keep away the stinking tactics of behaviour in order to develop circles of choice. The circles those have to be guarded with a vision to explore overall development among the common masses. Convict-ional players of political services though have human origin but ignorance of community based ideologies often leads to confusions risking thereby the careers of any choice. olitical stunts being the weapons to explore abilities of implementations do not mean to visit and create an ability to defend with perceptions suiting self. Abilities are explored subject to practicing humanity by revisiting and holding gears of implementation those otherwise derail from the projects of justifications. Common belief is belief to make others sustain life with honour and dignity but if things against the system are to be recaptured under rules and regulations there has to be an authoritative structure signifying essence and realistic approach with justified versions to end crisis of any nature. The utmost care of a political leader to a common person on the land means not to jiggle but be honest towards public that creates opportunities to rule but damages when ruling does not defend its character. |
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